It seems like our favorite excuse: "There just aren't enough hours in the day." It gets us out of workouts, concocting nutritious homemade meals, sleeping enough.
But does health have to be a trade-off with time? A new study examined the time American adults spend on beneficial behavior and found that many of us are sacrificing one health-promoting activity for another. Among health-minded folk, a 10-minute increase in meal prep time meant a 10-minute shorter workout, MyHealthNewsDaily reported.
"If we assume, for example, that adults have 45 minutes of free time to allocate to health-promoting behaviors, maybe we need to look at that holistically and determine the optimal way to use that time," Rachel Tumin, lead author of the study and epidemiology student at The Ohio State University's College of Public Health, said in a statement.Rachel Tumin,
俄亥俄州州立大学公共健康专业的学生Rachel Tumin是这次研究结果的第一作者,她表示:“我们假设,成年人有45分钟自由支配时间来做些对健康有益的事情,也许我们该整体的看看,再来决定如何更好的使用时间。”
If we only have 45 proverbial minutes, we plan to make the most of them. Luckily, there are easy (and cheap) ways to be healthier in just minutes. Below, some of our favorite ways to improve our bodies and minds in 10 minutes or less. Let us know in the comments which quick-and-easy health-boosting methods you swear by.
In One Minute: Laugh
一分钟以内 :大笑
A 60-second chuckle is all it takes to release stress-busting endorphins and relax the muscles. And if you make laughing a regular practice, you can look forward to more stable blood sugar, healthier blood flow and even a longer life.
In Two Minutes: Say Thanks
It doesn't take long to say those two little words, but they can make a big difference. Not only will giving thanks make the person on the receiving end feel good, a little gratitude can boost your health, too.
Appreciation can protect the heart, according to a 1995 study, not to mention bolster the immune system and even lead to better sleep.
In Three Minutes: Make A Three-Minute Egg
Eggs get a bad rap for being high in dietary cholesterol. But these easy-to-prepare eats actually have a number of properties that improve health. They're loaded with choline, a B vitamin essential to brain function, and may stave off heart problems.
An egg-centric breakfast has also been shown to aid weight loss and, as part of a high-protein breakfast, could help you stay away from the less nutritious snacks later on in the day.
In Four Minutes: Take Some Deep Breaths
You don't have to be a seasoned yogi or master of meditation to reap the calming benefits of a deep breath. Wherever you are, you can take a few minutes to breathe in through the nose to a count of three, pause briefly, then exhale to a count of three or longer. Try thinking to yourself while you breathe: "Breathing in, I am peace, breathing out, I am peace".
In Five Minutes: Try A Mini-Circuit
It won't make up for a 45-minute Spinning class or a long walk in the woods, but even just a five-minute workout is enough to rev your metabolism. Try this five-minute circuit:
20 crunches
15 slow, controlled squats
10 slow, controlled pushups
10 burpees (squat-thrust-jumps)
In Six Minutes: Take The Stairs
Do you really need to get up to the office right now? With a few minutes to spare, take the stairs instead. Adding even just a little movement to your day can help fight the adverse effects sitting too much. And adding three to five sets of stairs a day instead of zooming up in that elevator can burn enough calories to negate the average adult's yearly one to two-pound weight gain.
In Seven Minutes: Read The Labels
Turns out, even the health-minded among us claim we read nutrition labels more than we actually do. Take a little time to peruse not just calories, but fat content, trans fat, sugar, serving size and maybe even fiber for everything you put in your cart.
In Eight Minutes: Schedule That Appointment
Yes, you're busy. But even if you factor in a few extra minutes to be on hold, making the call won't take that long. And should you find yourself facing a true health problem, won't you feel silly saying, "I was just too busy to call the doctor!"
In Nine Minutes: Pack A Lunch
If you wait to think about lunch until you're ravenous between meetings, you'll be tempted to grab something packaged or processed to quell your midday hunger. With a little foresight, you can squash those lunch cravings the morning (or night) before with a nutritious, homemade meal. Not only will you have control over things like sodium and fat content, you'll likely save some money, too.
In 10 Minutes: Take A Nap
Feeling sleepy? There's no shame in squeezing in a little shut-eye during the day, especially when you consider the benefits. Not only will you feel more awake and alert after a short nap, research suggests a siesta can improve memory, creativity and productivity. The best part of all? Just 10 minutes will do the trick. Too much more than that and you might just feel more sluggish when you wake up.