How to Pick the Right Pair of Running Shoes
Are you ready to start a new healthy habit of runningor a seasoned runner looking to replace an old pairof shoes Either way, it is very important to buy theright pair of shoes for you - not necessarily the onesthat are the most technically advanced or on the salerack!
At least for me, it is so tempting to hit the sale rackwhen I begin my search for new shoes. It kills me tospend anymore than I absolutely have to, but withrunning shoes, I have found, it is one thing to notspare any expense. Finding a great pair of running shoes is sure to save most people money with comfortand safety. Finding a pair for $49 does not do a lot of good if you hurt your knee the next day!
There are so many brands and styles of shoes that it's hard to know where to start when you walk into aretailer. If you're not sure where to start in the process, note the techniques listed below for finding theperfect shoe for your needs.
Find Your Foot Type:
Figure out how you run (outside of your foot, outside to inside, or straight down the middle). The easiestway to determine how you run is to look at an old pair of running shoes. If the shoe is worn on the outside ofthe heel and rolls inward excessively, you have a pronated foot type - the majority of the population (60%)fits into this category. You're more likely to have this foot type if you are flat footed.
If you have high arches, your foot is rigid and doesn't pronate (roll inward) so there is not an effective shockabsorber. Roughly 30% of the population has high-arched or supinated foot types.
If you land on the outside of your heel and roll inward slightly to absorb shock, you are of normal weight, youare considered the most sound (biomechanically) runner. Only about 10% of the population hasneutral/ideal feet.
Tips for Your Trip to the Shoe Store:
Examine your old shoes for tread wear.
Socks are important. Wear your running socks when you try on.
If your feet are different sizes, buy for the larger one.
Shoes with better breathability will help curb sweating.
Grooves in the sole offer more flexibility.
Flat feet need support rather than flexibility.
If you tend to overpronate, look for shoes that will lace higher up so you can better customize the fit of theshoe.
Shoe should feel comfortable right way - they don't need to be broken in.
When to Buy New Running Shoes:
Look at the soles. If they are worn out or very unevenly worn it is time for a new pair.
If you've traveled roughly 400-500 miles on your treadmill or it's been six months, it is time for a new pair.Remember, if you are wearing your shoes for other activities, those miles count too!
What questions should the salespeople ask
How long have you been running
How much mileage are you doing per week
Are you training for a particular event
Where do you do most of your running
How much do you weigh
Are you aware of any foot problems
Simple solutions will get your running. The more you know about your feet and what activities you will bepartaking in, the more prepared you will be to find the right pair of shoes. Shoes are important for the healthof your feet, but for the rest of your bones and joints as well.
轻松解决跑步中的问题。你越了解你的脚和你参与的运动,你准备的越充分,你就越容易找到一双适合你的鞋,鞋不仅对你脚的健康十分重要 ,对你的骨头和关节也同样重要。
Robb Ksiazek is an author and web publisher writing about mind, body, and soul for Body-Mass-Index-4U.com. He believes that our bodies have the power to heal themselves, we just need to allow them.
Robb Ksiazek是一个关于思想、身体、Body-Mass-Index-4U.com网页精神的作家兼网络出版商,他相信我们的身体有自疗的功能,我们只需要允许他们去做就好了。