When you first look at the posters of Maleficent, Disney’s new fantasy film, you can hardly relate them to the classic fairy tale The Sleeping Beauty — unless you’re so familiar with the story that you recognize the iconic villain through her creepy horns and sculpted cheekbones.
Clearly, this time, Disney wants to tell the evil fairy queen’s side of the story. Played by Angelina Jolie, Maleficent is a powerful witch who is betrayed and deceived by Stefan, a childhood friend and the man she loved. When Stefan becomes a king, Maleficent’s mind turns to revenge — she curses Princess Aurora (Elle Fanning) and sets about to make her life a misery.
From here, the fairy tale gets its modern-day revision. Instead of being the one-dimensional villain we know, Maleficent soon gets a heart-of-gold reincarnation and reconsiders her evil intention.
Quite the irony, isn’t it? The character most committed to the destruction of true love turns out to have been one of its early victims. It’s also where the film adds a feminist point of view to the original fairy tale. It is no longer the story where the queen is bad for the sake of being bad. She has a personal story and there is a reason she does what she does.
This comparison and contrast is compelling, but it would never have worked without Jolie’s excellent performance, in which she represents all sides of her character’s complexity. For a character who loses love and gradually finds it again, Jolie makes the transformation believable. With her edgy and stunning image, she effortlessly makes everyone else, including Fanning’s Princess Aurora, pale into insignificance.
Another thing that makes the film exciting to watch is the visual effects. Maleficent may be Robert Stromberg’s directorial debut, but the Oscar-winning production designer (Avatar and Alice in Wonderland) certainly has the ability to satisfy viewers’ eyes.
Even so, Stromberg’s lack of directing experience shows, sometimes making the film more of a stylish mishmash, with clichéd themes such as “love forgives everything”.
Despite the flaws, luckily, we have Jolie to save the day. As the movie posters suggest, Maleficent is Jolie’s one-woman film, and it’s just great to see her having fun in a starring role again.