Luis, who is studying for a PhD in Architecture and Interaction Design, said he is fascinated with the idea of being able to see the hidden wireless networks which surround us.
'I call the images "spectres" because wireless networks remind me of ghosts,' he said. 'They are there but you can't see them with the human eye.
'The fact we are becoming increasingly reliant on something that we can't see intrigues me. I wanted to find a way to show the wireless which is around us and also to show how it changes.
Hernan created the photographs using a custom-made instrument designed to reveal them.
It scans continuously for wireless networks, and transforms the signal strength to colour LEDs.
The results are multi-coloured streaks of light which twirl and wrap in spaces, showing how they surround objects and people.
Hernan has also created an app which can be downloaded for free, for Android devices called Kirlian, which allows people to see the strength of Wi-Fi around them.
He said: 'I would love other people to get involved and to create their own images using the app.
'I used it as part of an exhibition of my work, where we hung mobile phones from the ceiling and it showed how signal strength was varying as people moved around the room.'