Small art by the big guys is hitting the market in rising numbers. Some lower-priced works are unsigned, undocumented, poor quality or just plain ugly -- while others are charming bargains luring established collectors and newcomers alike. Below, a survey of mini-markets:
Backstory: From 1946 to 1971, Picasso collaborated with a pottery in the south of France to create 633 different plates, bowls, vases and other works in limited editions ranging from 25 to 500.
$$: Prices range from around $2,500 for an ashtray with a bull to nearly $304,000 for a gold platter that Christie's sold last year. Aside from one single lot, Christie's has sold out its entire Picasso ceramics auctions since 2009 -- including a 539-lot Picasso sale in 2012, said Christie's specialist Michelle McMullan.
Competition: It is getting harder to find $3,000 ceramics -- many now start at $5,000. Auction prices for a limited-edition Picasso owl pitcher: $3,400 in New York in 2009 and $10,600 in Hong Kong last year.
需求:伦敦布卢姆斯伯里拍卖行(Bloomsbury Auctions in London)的亚历山大·海特(Alexander Hayter)说:“他被大大低估了。你可以以低于1万美元的价格买到60年代中期非常非常好的作品。这太荒谬了。”
Collectors: Paul Banwell, a 46-year-old British surgeon who owns about eight pieces, said bidding has gotten so intense he's making his next purchases at 'a secret little gallery' he won't name.
Swann Auction Galleries斯旺拍卖行画廊(Swann Auction Galleries in New York)的托德•韦曼(Todd Weyman)说,伦勃朗在世期间创作的一些普通画作也能以低于1万美元的价格起拍。去年在佳士得,一幅伦勃朗描绘父亲的蚀刻画以6,500美元售出。
Backstory: In 2012, Christie's brokered a deal with the late artist's foundation to sell the remaining original works from his estate, many of them smaller pieces like unique photographs and drawings.
价格:斯旺拍卖行画廊(Swann Auction Galleries in New York)的托德·韦曼(Todd Weyman)说,虽然一流的蚀刻画在拍卖会上的价格已飙升至50万美元,但据信于伦勃朗在世的这个期间创作的一些普通画作也能以低于1万美元的价格拿下。
$$: At Christie's, Warhol's photographs have sold online for an average $4,700; small drawings of shoes, jewelry and dresses can fetch similar prices.