Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is bringing its newest ship to China in an effort to draw more revenue from the world's biggest travel market.
皇家加勒比游轮有限公司(Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.)将把最新型的游轮带到中国,希望从全球最大的旅游市场分走更大一块“蛋糕”。
The cruise company plans to move the Quantum of the Seas to Shanghai in 2015 from its current port in New York, said Adam Goldstein, Royal Caribbean's president and chief operating officer. It will add to Royal Caribbean's existing two ships in China.
皇家加勒比游轮的总裁兼首席运营长戈尔茨坦(Adam Goldstein)在采访中说,公司计划在2015年把停泊在纽约港口的顶级豪华游轮“海洋量子号”(Quantum of the Seas)迁到上海。目前皇家加勒比在中国共有两艘游轮。
The ship, which has 16 decks and features attractions like simulated sky diving, can carry 4,180 guests and will sail from Shanghai to destinations in Japan and South Korea, Mr. Goldstein said in an interview.
The move was prompted in part by Chinese consumers who want access to the biggest and newest offerings, he said. Quantum of the Seas has an indoor sporting complex where tourists can drive bumper cars, play table tennis and learn the trapeze.
'We're looking to get first-time cruisers to choose our brand,' Mr. Goldstein said.
Associated Press皇家加勒比的顶级豪华游轮“海洋量子号”配有室内运动场馆,游客可开碰碰车、打兵乓球、玩“空中飞人”项目。戈尔茨坦说,希望首次尝试游轮旅行的人能够选择他们的品牌。
China's travel market is booming. Brokerage CLSA estimates that as China's per capita income rises, outbound mainland tourists will reach 200 million by 2020, doubling from 2013. Chinese tourists became the world's biggest travel spenders in 2012, when outlays on outbound travel swelled to $102 billion, up 40% from 2011, according to the most recent annual figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization.
中国旅游市场正在繁荣发展。里昂证券(CLSA)估计,随着中国人均收入增加,到2020年出国旅行的中国大陆游客将达到2亿人次,较2013年增长一倍。联合国世界旅游组织(United Nations World Tourism Organization)的最近数据显示,中国游客2012年出境游支出跃居全球首位,达到1,020亿美元,较2011年增加40%。
Efforts to attract China's tourists are heating up, as everyone from the Hawaii Tourism Authority to Air New Zealand Ltd. executives are launching campaigns to win over the tourism dollars. Vancouver's tourism office is tapping Chinese celebrities to tout trips to the Canadian city.
吸引中国游客的努力正在升温。从夏威夷观光局(Hawaii Tourism Authority)到新西兰航空(Air New Zealand Ltd.),高管们都在争相推出各种活动来争取中国游客。温哥华旅游局通过邀请中国名人来宣传当地旅游。
Miami-based Royal Caribbean said sales in China have doubled over the past five years, though it won't disclose specific figures. But it says the cruising market in the country is still nascent. U.S. travelers account for 52% of world-wide passengers on cruises, followed by U.K. and Ireland, with 8%, according to industry association Cruise Lines International Association. China doesn't yet appear in the top 10, according to the group.
皇家加勒比游轮公司称,过去五年公司在中国市场的销售额增长了一倍,但它不愿披露具体数字。不过该公司称,中国的游轮巡游市场仍处在萌芽阶段。国际游轮协会(Cruise Lines International Association)的数据显示,全球游轮巡游市场上,52%的游客来自美国,来自英国和爱尔兰的游客占到8%,位列第二。中国尚未跻身前十。
The industry has been under scrutiny in recent years. In January hundreds of passengers on Royal Caribbean's Explorer of the Seas ship from New Jersey to the Caribbean were stricken with a gastrointestinal illness. The cruise operator cut short the 10-day trip. Rivals have also faced graver problems over the past couple of years, such as a tragic sinking and engine fires.
最近几年游轮行业受到了审查。今年1月份,皇家加勒比游轮公司的“海洋探险者号”(Explorer of the Seas)离开新泽西港口,前往加勒比海巡游,途中爆发胃肠道疾病疫情。“海洋探险者号”因此缩短了十天的行程,提前返回。过去几年,其他游轮公司面临过较为严重的问题,如悲剧性的沉船事故和引擎起火事件。
Mr. Goldstein said incidents such as these have received widespread media attention but predominantly because they are so rare.
Royal Caribbean, which operates its namesake line and Celebrity cruises, reported in January a fourth-quarter profit of $7 million, compared with a $393 million loss in the same period a year earlier. Revenue in the fourth quarter improved to $1.85 billion, up 2.7% from the same period a year earlier.
Laurie Burkitt
Laurie Burkitt