Taking an interest in her life, job or anything else that she likes to talk about is a must for first date conversations. You can do that by asking questions like, “How did your job/hobby/interest start?”
Contrary to popular opinion, women don’t only want to talk about themselves; they also want to see what’s going on with you. When it comes to dreams, expressing yours will make her gain some interesting insight into you, and she’ll love that you can open up to her.
Throwing in a word about your friend and something interesting he said or did will show your date that you have some awesome mates. Just make sure you don’t fall into the trap of going on and on about your friends to the point where you are taking focus away from your date.
The sound of your laughter is always something she wants to hear. It shows her that she has a great sense of humor and you find her delightful. Just try not to overdo it, and always keep it genuine.
Sometimes the best way to get to know someone is through personal anecdotes. So go on and share an experience that stands out as a great memory.
By the end of the first date, both parties need to know if the other had a fun time or not. If you had a good time with her, then tell her. She will really appreciate hearing it.
Of course you don’t know if she had a fun time, but you can set a platform for a future date, mention a great sushi bar or Italian restaurant you’ve dined at recently, and ask her if she’s been there.(plus, it’s an easy way to bring up other topics).
It’s good to let her know a bit more about yourself. She’ll love to hear about your interests and hobbies. Divulging information about yourself enables you both to see if you’re on the same wavelength. Plus, she’ll love that you’re offering some info about yourself without her having to ask all the questions.
There’s nothing wrong with going Dutch on a first date, but it’s really the gentlemanly thing to pick up the bill for her. When she reaches into her purse, tell her that you have it covered. She’ll be impressed that you took the effort for her and your chivalry will increase your chances of a second date.