Perhaps the world's oldest message in a bottle, cast into the sea near Germany 101 years ago, has been presented to the sender's granddaughter, it's been reported.
Last month, fishermen in the Baltic Sea pulled an old beer bottle out of the water, along with their catch. Inside they found a postcard, dated 17 May 1913, from a man called Richard Platz asking for his message to be forwarded to his address in Berlin, the Local website reports.
Local 网站报道,上个月波罗的海的渔民捕鱼时在水中打捞出了一个古老的啤酒瓶。他们发现这个漂流瓶里面有一张明信片,日期写着1913年5月17日,是一个名叫里查德·普拉茨的男子寄出的。里查德请求将这封漂流瓶信件寄送到他在柏林的地址。
Researchers at the International Maritime Museum in Hamburg were eventually able to track down Angela Erdmann, 62, who lives in Berlin. Platz was her grandfather. She visited the museum last week and was able to hold the bottle.
"That was a pretty moving moment," she tells German news agency dpa. "Tears rolled down my cheeks."
“那一刻相当令人感动,” 她告诉德意志新闻社记者。“我激动得热泪盈眶。”
Erdmann says she never knew her mother's father, who reportedly died in 1946 when he was 54 years old. But she says the discovery of his message has inspired her to find out more about him.