Branson: Behind the Mask by Tom Bower, Faber & Faber, £20
《面具下的布兰森》(Branson: Behind the Mask),汤姆•鲍尔(Tom Bower)著,Faber & Faber出版,定价20英镑
Few entrepreneurs have grasped as clearly as Sir Richard Branson the importance of public relations in modern business. Over the past 25 years, the tycoon has assembled an empire by trading access to the likeable image that he and his Virgin brand project in return for hard assets and stakes in enterprises.
没有几个企业家像理查德•布兰森爵士(Sir Richard Branson)那样深谙公共关系对现代企业的重要性。过去25年间,这位大亨建立起了一个帝国,方法就是利用他本人和他的维珍(Virgin)品牌受喜爱的形象,换取实实在在的资产和企业中的股份。
Behind the happy-go-lucky exterior is a carefully contrived pose. This portrays Branson – in fact a vastly rich, private jet toting tax exile – as a combination of hippy and buccaneer, a scrappy outsider taking on complacent and anti-competitive giants of big business.
在布兰森无忧无虑的外表下,隐藏着精心的算计。这使他像一个兼具嬉皮与海盗特质的综合体,以及一名好斗的“局外人”——常常对得意自满、反对竞争的企业巨头发起挑战。而布兰森事实上非常有钱,拥有私人飞机,是一名“避税流亡者”(tax exile,指为逃避高税负而移居海外的人)。
It is an image that Tom Bower, a stern and unbending investigative hack of the old school, has over the past decade and a half set out systematically to debunk. He took his first stab in 2000 with the publication of his Branson biography – a book described by its outraged subject as “a foul, foul piece of work from the first words to the last”.
Since then Bower has twice honed his verdict. In 2008, he updated his opus, adding some disobliging chapters on Branson’s failed initial attempt to buy the collapsed building society Northern Rock. Now he has published a fresh volume. As the title implies, Branson: Behind the Mask continues the theme of probing the dissonance between public image and reality. But unlike its predecessors, it omits much of Branson’s business career to focus on recent events, such as his much-delayed attempt to launch a space tourism service.
后来,鲍尔又两度增强了自己的论断。2008年,他更新自己之前的作品,补充了一些章节,毫不客气地讲述了,布兰森最初试图收购陷入困境的住房按揭银行——北岩银行(Northern Rock)时,是如何遭遇失败的。如今,鲍尔又出版了一本新书。如书名《面具下的布兰森》所示,这本新书的主题仍然是探究布兰森的公众形象与实际情况的出入。但与之前的布兰森传记不同,这本书省略了布兰森的大部分经商生涯,聚焦于一些新近发生的事件,比如推迟了很久的太空旅游服务。
Somehow, after years of peddling affordable fun to the masses, Branson has ended up betting the ranch – or at least several wings and the best pasture – on a venture offering four-minute suborbital flights to celebrities and jaded millionaires willing to part with $200,000 a go.
Branson’s capacity for reinvention is not new. It is matched only by his P T Barnum-like ability to generate excitement – generally through silly stunts – around the businesses he backs. The bigger question is why we, the public, go along with it.
布兰森拥有高超的创新能力并不是新闻。他的费尼尔司•泰勒•巴纳姆(P T Barnum)式炒作能力同样高超,他常常通过制造一些低级的噱头,来吸引公众对他所支持业务的注意力。更值得关注的问题是,我们的公众为什么会买账。
It is not as if we cannot see behind the PR mask that obsesses Bower. What does it say about us that we still buy into the image, snapping up seats on Branson’s expensive and not very glamorous trains, or, even more puzzlingly, investing in ISAs with Virgin Money (a venture Branson promises with almost comic chutzpah will deliver his objective of “a fairer distribution of wealth”)?
布兰森的公关面具让鲍尔耿耿于怀,而我们并非不能看穿这一面具。尽管如此,我们仍然买账——购买昂贵的车票乘坐布兰森旗下并不特别豪华的火车,甚至更奇怪的是,在维珍理财(Virgin Money)开设个人储蓄账户(布兰森以近乎滑稽的厚脸皮承诺称,维珍理财将实现他“促进财富公平分配”的目标)。这说明什么呢?
Bower never really explains. Much of the book is spent exploring Virgin’s financial performance, which he concludes is more rickety than its promoter would have us believe. Stretched as it is across so many ventures, money is always scarce. Too many businesses fail or do not make money. Much of the cash flow has come from businesses that, far from being “challengers”, are incumbents in highly regulated industries, such as the state-subsidy-guzzling railways.
One problem with Bower’s approach is that his thumb is always pressed rather too firmly on the scales. Branson is forever slightly in the wrong, whether for allowing initiatives to unravel, such as “The Project” – an ill-starred magazine app – or taking perfectly sensible commercial decisions, such as pulling out of a failing Formula One team.
鲍尔的方法有一个问题,他总是用太强的偏见来影响他的结论。布兰森所做的任何事情,在鲍尔看来都做得不太对头,无论他是推出了一个失败的商业计划(比如推出命运不佳的杂志应用“The Project”),还是做了个非常合理的商业决定(比如退出一支战绩每况愈下的F1车队)。
Bower questions Branson’s business acumen, criticising him for missing out on the internet and the low-cost airline revolution. But if it were so poor, Virgin would be much smaller than it is.
And for a book that promises to take you behind Branson’s mask, you get little of the man himself.
The biggest problem about Bower’s pursuit is that he cannot ultimately run his quarry to ground. Branson now claims Virgin stands for something “beyond making money” and has started dismantling parts of the empire.
But the last chapter on his business career remains to be written. The master of self-reinvention could yet pull off another coup. I predict another book.