From the opening ceremony with a malfunctioning ring, to police officers singing Get Lucky, the Sochi Winter Olympics have been a games to remember.
从开幕式因故障未绽放的第五环,到俄罗斯内务部合唱团激情演唱神曲Get Lucky,索契冬奥会值得铭记。
Showing that the country has a sense of humour, dancers during the opening section of the show mocked the moment a ring failed to open during the opening ceremony.
The joke was followed by an opulent show of ballet, circus performances and classical music, an ode to the country's rich literary history - before the Olympic flame was finally extinguished.
Russia's head of Olympics said in English: 'It is a great moment in our history a moment to cherish and pass on to the next generation, a moment which will never be forgotten. This is the new face of Russia, our Russia. And for us these Games are the best ever.'
In Russian, he added: 'We did it, we conquered the Olympic summit and these Games will be with us forever.'
But tonight marks the end for the highly controversial games, which are also the most expensive in Olympic history.
The $51billion (£30bn) investment in the Games - topping even Beijing's estimated $40 billion layout for the 2008 Summer Games.