Why is Facebook buying WhatsApp for $19 billion? At this very moment, I am looking at a text file showing me 5,600 possible explanations. That's how many WhatsApp messages were exchanged between me and a friend in a single three-month period of 2012, when we were averaging about 60 back-and-forth messages a day.
It was probably a time of above-average communication -- and the messages were with a woman of above-average beauty and conversational smarts, so I had my reasons -- but it is still a useful window into how instant messaging sits right at the heart of the battle for attention that now dominates the technology industry. Skimming over those messages -- from the breezy rituals of good mornings and how are yous to hour-long heart-to-hearts -- shows how our phones are still fundamentally communicators, and how chatting, like everything else, is now facilitated by apps.
I was living in Dubai when those 5,600 messages were exchanged, and one of WhatsApp's most notable traits is that it seems to be significantly more popular outside the U.S. than it is within - almost all of my phone book's contacts in Europe, the Middle East or Australia are active on WhatsApp, while the ratio is much lower here in America.
At its core, WhatsApp is just a nicely-done messaging app that lets you send text, pictures and video to your friends anywhere, free. Unlike Apple's iMessage, it works on all the major mobile operating systems; unlike the text messaging services offered by mobile network operators, it doesn't charge you anything for sending the messages, and it works like modern mobile software, not the primitive SMS applications on most phones.
The problems WhatsApp solves could, in part, also explain why it is less of a big deal at home in the U.S. Most monthly mobile plans here include unlimited text messaging, creating an all-you-can-eat mentality around sending SMS that didn't exist overseas, where operators often charged per message. And while 310 million Americans share a single nation -- and telephone network -- in the rest of the world national boundaries between people are more likely to introduce the expensive headache of international calling and text messaging. That's another problem solved by WhatsApp.
But ultimately, the appeal of mobile messaging software is the same as the appeal of everything else on a mobile: it's with you all the time, it's always connected, and it has an immediacy that can't be matched. When friends are on WhatsApp, or iMessage, or BlackBerry Messenger, it's like you've opened up an endless two-way chat room.
And once it's open, the marginal cost of sending one more message, or sharing one more picture, is so close to zero that before you know it, you've sent a few thousand of them, in a few months, to a beautiful women a couple of thousand miles away.
The centrality of instant messaging to our mobile lives can be seen in how the giants of the industry have approached it. Apple's iOS and Google's Android have both built messaging applications that erase the distinctions between SMS messages sent over the mobile network and web-based instant messages, pushing users into their own messaging platforms in the process. BlackBerry has long highlighted it's BlackBerry Messenger service -- another mobile messaging product wildly popular abroad -- as one of its trophy assets.
即时通讯之于移动生活的重要性,从科技巨头们趋之若鹜的态度就可窥知一二。苹果的iOS、谷歌(Google)的安卓(Android)操作系统都建立起了短讯应用,来消除手机短信服务和基于互联网的即时讯息之间的差异,将用户吸引到他们自己的短讯平台上来。黑莓也一直在大力宣传它的“得意之作”BlackBerry Messenger服务,这种产品在美国以外的地区也很受欢迎。
Facebook added instant messaging to its Instagram photo sharing service, tried without success to buy messaging service Snapchat, and has now spent as much money buying WhatsApp as the market value of American corporate giants like Gap, Blackstone or Harley Davidson.
Facebook也给旗下的Instagram照片分享服务添加了即时通讯功能,但收购短讯应用Snapchat的尝试未能成功。现在,该公司又豪掷亿金收购WhatsApp,其斥资之巨堪比Gap、黑石集团(Blackstone)、哈雷戴维森公司(Harley Davidson)等美国企业巨头的市值。
Is the valuation worth it? I have no idea, but I do know this: last week, after a years of constant usage and tens of thousands of messages, WhatsApp told me my free trial period was coming to an end, and I needed to cough up a dollar for another year of service. I paid it without second thought, and I'll bet a large majority of the company's 450 million active users will do the same.