U.S. fugitive and former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden urged technology companies to adopt better methods of encryption to protect users from government surveillance, in remarks made through a video feed at a technology conference.
美国国家安全局(National Security Agency, 简称:国安局)前承包商雇员、目前正被美国政府通缉的爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)近日在奥斯汀的西南偏南(South by Southwest)大会上通过视频发表讲话,呼吁科技企业采取更有效的加密技术以保护用户隐私免受政府监控的侵犯。
Mr. Snowden, who has been charged by U.S. prosecutors under the Espionage Act, said technology companies can act more quickly to protect users' privacy than the U.S. government, which will move slowly, if at all, to change intelligence-gathering practices.
斯诺登称,美国政府若有意改变情报收集方式,其过程将十分缓慢,科技企业可以先于美国政府采取行动,确保用户隐私安全。此前美国检方已根据《反间谍法》(Espionage Act)对斯诺登提起诉讼。
'There is a policy response that needs to occur but there is also a technical response that needs to occur,' Mr. Snowden told the South by Southwest Interactive conference, taking place in Austin.
The public comments are among Mr. Snowden's first since last June, when he leaked to some media outlets classified documents on the NSA's programs to monitor phone calls, email and other communications.
Mr. Snowden spoke from Moscow, where he has been granted temporary asylum, with an image of the U.S. Constitution in the background. Both the audience and the interviewers in Austin--two officials of the American Civil Liberties Union--appeared sympathetic to Mr. Snowden.
斯诺登的此次视频讲话以美国宪法图片为背景,而他本人身处俄罗斯,并已被俄政府授予临时庇护权。会上观众及主持人――美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)的两位官员都对斯诺登表示出同情。
He wasn't asked about the ethics of his disclosures or whether he believed he committed treason.
People sent in questions through Twitter, and the interviewers posed some of them to Mr. Snowden. Most of the questions related to the issue of surveillance, though one asked if he would do it again. 'Absolutely, yes,' he replied.
'I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and I saw that the Constitution was being violated on a massive scale,' he said.
Stewart Baker, former general counsel for the NSA, said the interview of Mr. Snowden 'couldn't have been more sympathetic.' Mr. Baker, now a partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP, added: 'A neutral observer would have said, 'You say you're against mass surveillance. How do you feel about mass surveillance in Crimea?' '
美国国家安全局前总顾问贝克(Stewart Baker)表示,采访斯诺登的人们对他过于同情了;中立的观察人士可能会问他:你说你反对大规模监控活动,那么你对克里米亚的大规模监控活动怎么看?贝克目前是Steptoe & Johnson LLP的合伙人。
Mr. Snowden's revelations about NSA surveillance prompted Google Inc. and other companies to strengthen their encryption technology, but he said the firms haven't done enough to protect the civil liberties of Internet users in the U.S. and abroad.
斯诺登揭露美国国家安全局的监控计划后,谷歌(Google Inc.)和其他一些公司都加强了各自的保密技术。但斯诺登称,在保护美国和其他国家互联网用户的公民自由方面,科技公司做的还不够。
Google said last fall it would add or strengthen encryption of data passing among its data centers. It also now frequently changes the security keys used to unlock encrypted data, according to a person familiar with the company.
In December, Microsoft Corp. General Counsel Brad Smith said the software maker would encrypt customer information moving between its data centers by the end of this year.
微软(Microsoft Corp.)总顾问史密斯(Brad Smith)去年12月份称,微软将在今年年底前对在公司数据中心之间传送的客户信息进行加密。
'We're committed to protecting our users' privacy and our team is hard at work to encrypt all of Yahoo's products,' a spokeswoman for Yahoo Inc. wrote in an email.
雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc.)发言人在一封电子邮件中称,雅虎致力于保护用户隐私,公司团队正在努力工作对雅虎的所有产品进行加密。
A Facebook Inc. spokesman declined to comment.
Facebook Inc.发言人不予置评。
Encryption turns plain text in an email into a jumble of letters and numbers that are unreadable to prying eyes--whether hackers or a spying agency. In order to read the email, another user requires a 'key' to decrypt the message.
Mr. Snowden and Chris Soghoian, one of the ACLU interviewers, said Internet companies should adopt a system known as 'end-to-end encryption, ' which scrambles communication, such as an email, at each step from the sender's computer to the recipient's.
斯诺登和来美国公民自由联盟的采访者Chris Soghoian表示,互联网公司应该采用一种名为“端对端加密”的技术,这种技术允许通讯信息(比如一封电子邮件)在从源点到终点的传输过程中的每一步始终以密文形式存在。
Messrs. Snowden and Soghoian said that widespread use of encryption would make it less practical for the government to collect Internet traffic in bulk, since much of it would be unreadable. That would require government agencies to target surveillance more precisely, Mr. Soghoian said.
'Encryption technology has the potential to raise the cost of surveillance to the point where it no longer becomes economically feasible to spy on everyone,' Mr. Soghoian said.
The NSA didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
Messrs. Snowden and Soghoian criticized the business model of Internet companies that rely on the collection of user data to serve advertisers. They urged companies to rely on subscriptions, like the text-messaging app WhatsApp, which Facebook recently said it would acquire for $19 billion.
Privacy and government surveillance have been a theme of this year's South by Southwest Interactive, a conference better known as a stage for the latest social networking and mobile apps. Appearing via Skype on Saturday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange attacked the NSA and the power it holds in the Obama administration.
隐私和政府监控问题一直是今年西南偏南大会的一个主题,该大会此前更多被视为展示最新社交网络和移动应用的一个舞台。维基解密(WikiLeaks)创始人阿桑奇(Julian Assange)上周六通过Skype对美国国安局以及奥巴马政府赋予国安局的权利进行了抨击。
Doug Kim, a user experience architect for Turner Broadcasting and attendee of South by Southwest, said the Snowden remarks gave him more insight into what businesses could do to help protect user privacy.
大会参与者、Turner Broadcasting用户体验设计师金(Doug Kim)称,对于企业应该如何保护用户隐私,斯诺登的讲话让他有了更深的理解。
'It really takes these big acts to make course changes, for these big companies to pivot,' Mr. Kim said.