The fallout from Edward Snowden’s revelations about the National Security Agency has reached Hollywood after Oracle asked for its brand to be scrubbed from a new film about spies and espionage.
爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)有关美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)的爆料,已连带影响到好莱坞。近日,数据库软件供应商甲骨文(Oracle)要求将自己品牌的痕迹从一部特工题材的新电影中抹去。
Oracle, the database software group, had originally paid to have its brand prominently featured in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, which stars Chris Pine and Keira Knightley – just one of the many product placement deals that have become increasingly lucrative for Hollywood.
甲骨文最初曾向电影《一触即发》(Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit)的制片方支付了广告植入费,让制片方在这部由克里斯•派因(Chris Pine)和凯拉•奈特莉(Keira Knightley)主演的电影中突出显示该公司的品牌。植入广告近年来日渐成为好莱坞的赚钱渠道,上述交易只是其中一例。
But after Mr Snowden leaked details last year about the NSA’s mass surveillance of electronic data – including its ability to monitor Silicon Valley technology companies – Oracle got cold feet, said several people close to the situation. The request for its brand to be removed was made in the final stages of the film’s editing.
Oracle declined to comment on why it asked to be taken out of the film, which was released in the US last month. Skydance Productions and Paramount Pictures, which produced the film, also declined to comment.
这部电影已于上月在美国上映,甲骨文拒绝就为何要求撤掉广告植入置评。影片制作方Skydance Productions和派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures)同样拒绝置评。
Oracle has a family connection to Hollywood. Skydance, which co-produced Jack Ryan, is run by David Ellison, the son of Larry Ellison, Oracle’s billionaire founder.
甲骨文与好莱坞之间有着密切联系。电影《一触即发》联合制片方Skydance的老板大卫•埃里森(David Ellison),是甲骨文创始人、亿万富翁拉里•埃里森(Larry Ellison)的儿子。
Oracle was not charged for the re-edit but it did not get back its original fee, which ran to several hundred thousand dollars, said people familiar with the matter.
The cost of placing products or brands in films or television programmes can range from thousands to millions of dollars, depending on their prominence.
The product placement market has boomed as brands seek new ways to reach consumers and viewers that watch far fewer television commercials.
The most recent figures show that global product placement spending in film and television rose almost 12 per cent in 2012 to $8.25bn, according to PQ Media, a research company.
调研公司PQ Media的最新数据显示,全球影视剧产品植入广告开支在2012年增长了将近12%,达到82.5亿美元。
Oracle’s withdrawal from the Jack Ryan film bucks a Hollywood trend, in which technology companies have been among the most visible brands in movies.
Google’s Mountain View headquarters was the setting for the critically panned comedy The Internship while James Bond’s recent cinematic outings have featured Sony Vaio laptops and Sony phones – a consequence of Sony Pictures co-producing the Bond films.
在广受恶评的喜剧片《实习大叔》(The Internship)中,场景设定在谷歌(Google)公司的山景城(Mountain View)总部,而在詹姆斯•邦德(James Bond)最近一部007电影中,索尼Vaio笔记本和索尼手机都露了脸,显然是索尼影业(Sony Pictures)参与联合制作007系列电影的结果。
The younger Mr Ellison, backed by money from his father, has co-produced several films alongside Viacom’s Paramount studio, including World War Z, Star Trek: Into Darkness and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.
小埃里森在父亲的资金支持下,已与维亚康姆(Viacom)旗下的派拉蒙影业联手制作了多部电影,包括《僵尸世界大战》(World War Z)、《星际迷航:暗黑无界》(Star Trek: Into Darkness)和《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》(Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol)。