When Shuanghui International lists in Hong Kong sometime in the next few months it will give the world a novel beast: a Sino-US pork giant worth up to $12bn. But this beast almost certainly would not have been created without the push of private equity.
几个月后当双汇国际(Shuanghui International)在香港挂牌上市时,将为整个世界带来一匹新兴黑马:一家市值高达120亿美元的中美猪肉加工巨头。但如果没有私募股权的推动,这匹黑马几乎不可能被创造出来。
Shuanghui’s bold $7.1bn takeover of Smithfield Foods of the US last year was a deal plump with strategic gains. China’s urban drift and embourgeoisement means more people want not only more meat, but also meat that is safer and with posher sounding foreign brand names.
双汇去年大胆斥资71亿美元收购了美国企业史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods),这项交易在战略上的益处很多。中国的城镇化进程以及中产阶层的崛起意味着,越来越多的人不仅想吃更多的肉制品,还希望肉制品的质量更加安全,并拥有更具品位的外国品牌。
Shuanghui, already China’s biggest pork producer with more pigs than Beijing has citizens, nailed three strategic imperatives with this deal. First, access to raw meat supply; second, the technology and knowhow to produce more pork more efficiently; and third, a string of popular US brands for meat, bacon and sausages.
But to the frustration of M&A bankers, there are hundreds if not thousands of corporate marriages between Chinese companies and foreign businesses that make oodles of strategic sense but do not happen. At a time when M&A activity had crumbled elsewhere, the world’s second-largest economy last year finally became the second largest home for companies pursuing acquisitions overseas, according to Dealogic. But the near $70bn total value of outbound deals was still only about one-third of international deals by US companies.
At Shuanghui, what got the deal done was the presence of private equity. A takeover can make all the strategic sense in the world, but the people behind a company – its owners and its executives – still need a tangible, immediate incentive to work the hours and take the risks needed to pursue the deal.
CDH Investments, a Chinese private equity house, and Goldman Sach’s investment arm have both had money in Shuanghui since 2006. CDH owns about one-third of the company, while Goldman and a handful of other private investors own a further 20 per cent. These investors have been agitating for an exit and Shuanghui’s septuagenarian founder, Wan Long, made an eager accomplice.
中国私募股权公司鼎晖投资(CDH Investments)以及高盛(Goldman Sachs)旗下的投资部门自2006年以来都向双汇进行了投资。鼎晖投资拥有双汇约三分之一的股权,而高盛以及另外几个私人投资者拥有20%的股权。这些投资方一直在努力推动双汇上市,双汇年届七旬的创始人万隆热切地成为了他们的同盟。
Other investors and bankers in Asia reckon it will be extremely difficult to stitch Shuanghui and Smithfield into a coherent and unified company. The company may not even properly attempt it. But what they are certain of is that the chairman and his backers have created a commercial proposition that can be sold to the public markets – and that outcome more than anything else drove the deal, they say.
No sector in China today needs a catalysing ingredient more than the state-owned enterprises. This is likely to give private equity some of its best, if toughest, opportunities in the years ahead, according to some senior dealmakers from the industry.
The industry in Asia has never managed to create the conveyor-belt of leveraged buyouts and resales of companies that it achieved in the US and Europe. Last year, there were just five buyouts worth more than $1bn in the entire region, including Japan.
State-owned enterprises offer the chance for private equity to make real change and real money. Fred Hu, the former head of Goldman Sachs in China and founder of Primavera, one of China’s oldest and best known private equity houses, says there are some very good, talented people operating inside SOEs, but that they lack the incentives – financial or otherwise – to push change.
国有企业为私募股权提供了做大事、赚大钱的机会。胡祖六(Fred Hu)是高盛中国区前主管、中国成立最久、知名度最高的私募股权公司之一春华资本(Primavera Capital)的创始人。他表示,国有企业拥有一些非常出色、极有才干的经营人才,但这些人缺乏推动变革的动力——不论是财务还是其他动力。
“Private equity can play a good role [in SOE reform] partly as capital provider, but also to help change the culture and the mindset,” he says. “Be under no illusion, this could be a good opportunity, but it will be very hard. Technically, culturally and politically there are a lot of risks there.” Another very experienced Chinese private equity leader says the presence of investors with very specific and time-limited financial goals “really helps to affect that change as an outside force”. XD Yang, the head of Carlyle in China, told a small industry gathering in Hong Kong last week that his firm was excited by the opportunities in reshaping bigger SOEs.
他说:“私募股权可以在国有企业改革中扮演资金提供者的重要角色,同时还能帮助国企改变内部文化和员工心态。要清楚地认识到,这可能是一个大好机遇,但操作起来将非常艰难。在技术上、文化上以及政治上都存在很多风险。”另一位资历颇深的中国私募股权行业领袖表示,拥有明确以及中短期财务目标的投资者的出现,“非常有助于作为一种外部力量影响变革进程”。凯雷(Carlyle)中国区主管杨向东(XD Yang)最近在香港的一个小规模行业集会上表示,他的公司对大型国有企业改革中蕴含的机遇感到非常兴奋。
Private equity managers will need good political contacts and diplomatic skills to smooth egos, ease out the obstructive older guard and help the talented executives get the performance-related pay schemes that will give them the tangible incentives to reshape their companies.
Private equity’s best role in China should be as agitator and catalyst that will not only unlock investment opportunities for firms but potentially put China M&A on a closer footing to its economic might.