Luigi Maffini, Kratos Fiano 2012 IGT Paestum
Luigi Maffini, Kratos Fiano 2012 IGT Paestum
Full, scented and one of the most concentrated and sculpted Campanian Fianos I have encountered recently. 13%
£15.75 Lea & Sandeman
可购于:雷与桑德曼(Lea & Sandeman)价格:15.75英镑
Toni Jost, Bacharacher Hahn Riesling trocken 2011 Mittelrhein
Toni Jost, Bacharacher Hahn Riesling trocken 2011 Mittelrhein
Opulent floral and orange-peel nose. There’s a great explosive bunch of flowers and fruit on the palate. Lovely! Not bone dry by any means but excellent value in terms of crisp but fruity delivery. 13.5%
丰富的花香中有橙皮味道。口感上有明显的花朵和水果味,非常惹人喜爱。不属于极干(bone dry)的类型。在清脆度和果香方面有很好的表现,所以性价比超高。酒精度:13.5%。
£14.50 The Wine Society
可购于:酒协佳酿(The Wine Society)价格:14.5英镑
Dom de l’Écu, Expression de Gneiss 2011 Muscadet
Dom de l’Écu, Expression de Gneiss 2011 Muscadet
Designed to showcase the soil type of the vineyard, this wine is chock full of personality. Edgy, dense and pungent. A real mouthful – so unlike many Muscadets. 12%
£14.50 H2Vin
Dom Chavy-Chouet, Les Femelottes 2011 Bourgogne
Dom Chavy-Chouet, Les Femelottes 2011 Bourgogne
A bit pinched but very well priced for a wine grown in Meursault, even if on the fringes. Light and tight. 12.5%
£14.95 Roberson (also at M&S)
可购于:罗伯森酒业(Roberson),玛莎百货(M&S, Marks and Spencer)价格:14.95英镑
Errázuriz Chardonnay 2011 Aconcagua Costa
Errázuriz Chardonnay 2011 Aconcagua Costa
From a new vineyard close to Chile’s Pacific coast and very fine indeed. Satin-smooth texture and flavours of lime, damp stones and with an appetising dry finish.
£14.95 Winedirect.co.uk
Dom Zind Humbrecht, Heimbourg Gewürztraminer 2008 Alsace
Dom Zind Humbrecht, Heimbourg Gewürztraminer 2008 Alsace
Very broad, peachy, intense nose and then a firm, grippy palate from one of the star winemakers of Alsace. No fat, just structure. Great to find a mature, single-vineyard example of this heady grape at a specially reduced price. 14%
£14.99 for two from Majestic
Château Depeyre, Symphonie 2011 IGP Côtes Catalanes
Château Depeyre, Symphonie 2011 IGP Côtes Catalanes
One of Roussillon’s great blends of Grenache Gris with about a third Grenache Blanc, from grapes once grown to produce the local strong, sweet wines. But this is bone dry, tense with tingle and real interest. Lovely undertow and layers of flavour. No hurry to drink this. 14.5%
鲁西荣(Roussillon)优质调配方法之一,采用灰歌海娜(Grenache Gris)和大约三分之一的白歌海娜(Grenache Blanc)混酿。这两个葡萄品种曾经用于当地强壮的甜葡萄酒,不过这款葡萄酒属于极干型,口感很紧,让人兴奋。香气层次丰富,底韵讨喜,还能够陈放。酒精度:14.5%。
£15.95 Stone Vine & Sun
可购于:石藤日(Stone vine & Sun)价格:15.95英镑
Schug Chardonnay 2011 Carneros
Schug Chardonnay 2011 Carneros
Very nice balance between the delicacy of Carneros and the ripeness of California. A complete wine that is by no means overpriced. Lovely texture, just a hint of malolactic fermentation. Very open and easy to appreciate. Bravo! 14.5%
拥有卡内罗斯(Carneros)产区的精妙和加利福尼亚(California)产区的成熟度。定价非常合理。质地很好,有少许的苹果酸乳酸发酵(malolactic fermentation)。非常开放,易于欣赏。值得喝彩!酒精度:14.5%。
£16.99 Marks and Spencer
可购于:马克与斯宾塞(M&S, Marks and Spencer)价格:16.99英镑
Dom Grand, Savagnin/Chardonnay Tradition 2010 Côtes du Jura
Dom Grand, Savagnin/Chardonnay Tradition 2010 Côtes du Jura
Pale gold and very nutty on the nose – this tastes like pure Jura with a hint of varnishas well as walnuts. Real excitement without a sky-high price. Very clean, super-tangy finish. Ready to enjoy. 14%
£17.95 Berry Bros
可购于:贝瑞兄弟(Berry Bros)价格:17.95英镑
Rolly-Gassmann Gewürztraminer 2002 Alsace
Rolly-Gassmann Gewürztraminer 2002 Alsace
Fun to see such maturity! Very pungent and concentrated, yet still lively. It is quite unlike a young Gewürz but is truly educational. Certainly doesn’t taste past it – just a tad more paint-like than some. Quite a bit of sweetness and a hint of ginger. 13%
£17.95 Old Bridge Wines
可购于:古桥酒业(Old Bridge Wines)价格:17.95英镑
Robert Oatley, Finisterre Chardonnay 2011 Margaret River
Robert Oatley, Finisterre Chardonnay 2011 Margaret River
Rich start, very flattering and mouthfilling. No evidence of the anorexia that has been afflicting Australian Chardonnay recently. Made by Larry Cherubino, this was much more satisfying than any of the white burgundies in the same Waitrose line-up – even those far more expensive. 13%
有很丰厚的前味,讨喜且有质感。澳大利亚霞多丽(Chardonnay)最近折磨得人失去了喝的兴趣,不过这款葡萄酒表现不错。酿酒师是莱瑞•切卢比诺(Larry Cherubino)。这款葡萄酒比维特罗斯(Waitrose)产品线上那些勃艮第(Burgundy, Bourgogne)白葡萄酒(即便是价格更高的产品)更令人神往。酒精度:13%。
£18.99 Waitrose
Kumeu River, Village Chardonnay 2010 Kumeu
Kumeu River, Village Chardonnay 2010 Kumeu
Very lively and jewelly. Admirably precise and appetising from one of New Zealand’s most experienced Masters of Wine. 13.5%
非常活跃的一款葡萄酒。出自新西兰最有经验的一位葡萄酒大师(Master of Wine)之手,非常开胃。酒精度:13.5%。
£20.25 Haynes Hanson & Clark
可购于:海因斯•汉森与克拉克(Haynes Hanson & Clark)价格:20.25英镑
Dom Hubert Lamy, Les Frionnes Premier Cru 2011 St-Aubin
Dom Hubert Lamy, Les Frionnes Premier Cru 2011 St-Aubin
Light and fresh – masses of acidity and some mealiness, lemon and fresh. Classic nervy white burgundy. 13%
£24.25 Lay & Wheeler
可购于:雷与慧勒(Lay & Wheeler)价格:24.25英镑
Meursault Narvaux 2009, Louis Jadot
Meursault Narvaux 2009, Louis Jadot
Proper, recognisable Meursault. Very juicy and substantial on the palate and already quite developed aromatically. 13%
£25 for two from Majestic
Sabinares 2011 Arlanza
Sabinares 2011 Arlanza
Special personal project of the winemakers at Laithwaite’s Rioja supplier Gomez Cruzado in a DO near Burgos. Field blend that is mainly Albillo. Excitingly heady nose that is on the verge of sourness but is chock full of flavour. Honeyed start and then wonderfully broad, nutty flavours plus freshness. Very serious wine. For food and with a great expansive finish. 14.5%
莱斯维茨(Laithwaites)的里奥哈(Rioja)供应商戈麦斯•克鲁扎多(Gomez Cruzado)在布尔果斯(Burgos)旁边一个法定产区(DO)的私人特酿,以阿尔比利亚(Albillo)为主调配而成。已经快要达到酸化状态,闻起来有点上头,不过香气非常丰富。开始有蜂蜜的味道,之后是丰富的坚果味道和清爽感。这是一款精心酿造的葡萄酒,能够很好地与食物搭配,后味也非常丰富。酒精度:14.5%。
£25 Laithwaites
Dom Thomas Morey 2011 Chassagne-Montrachet
Dom Thomas Morey 2011 Chassagne-Montrachet
Smoky nose. Quite a standout! Lots of fruit, very accessible. Mid- weight and just the ticket. 13.5%
£34.75 H2Vin 6