1. Harvard
1. 哈佛商学院
Index: 100
Average GMAT: 727
Acceptance rate: 11.8%
2013 median base salary: $120,000
In September, The New York Times published a major feature on Harvard Business School's highly successful efforts to erase gender inequality from its campus. But the overall impression left by the lengthy article was that Harvard had some deep-seated problems that it was still struggling to resolve.
今年9月,《纽约时报》(The New York Times)发表了一篇长篇专题报道,介绍哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)在校园中努力消除性别不平等的成果。但那篇冗长的文章留给读者的总体印象是,哈佛商学院似乎存在一些深层次的问题,仍然需要它努力解决。
In fact, the school has made impressive strides to address what is a broader societal issue that plays out to some degree on all business school campuses. In the class of 2013, the percentage of women receiving Baker Scholar honors, the top 5% of the class, hit a new record. Out of 47 Baker Scholars, 38% were women. Only a few years ago, women were routinely underrepresented among this elite cohort. Though women account for 36% of Harvard's class of 2009, only 11% of Baker Scholars were female.
事实上,在解决性别不平等问题方面,哈佛商学院取得了令人印象深刻的进展。性别不平等问题在几乎所有商学院都普遍存在。从更宏观的层面说,这是一个社会问题。2013届学生中,荣获“贝克学者”荣誉(Baker Scholar,班级前5%)的女性比例创下历史记录。47名贝克学者中有38%是女性。而在几年前,这个精英群体中的女性可谓凤毛麟角。虽然2009届的女性学生比例达到了36%,但当年的“贝克学者”仅有11%为女性。
This year's entering class, meantime, boasts the highest percentage of women to ever enter Harvard Business School. Some 41% of the incoming 941 students were women, up from 40% last year and the previous year's 39%.
2. Stanford
2. 斯坦福大学商学院
Index: 99.6
Average GMAT: 732
Acceptance rate: 6.8%
2013 median base salary: $125,000
A record 18% of this year's graduating class at Stanford started their own companies, solidifying this business school's position as the leading incubator for MBA startups. Its location in the heart of Silicon Valley, not far from Sand Hill Rd., the epicenter of the venture capital world, has made Stanford startups the most generously funded of all new ventures coming out of business school.
This year's entering class at Stanford is among the most distinguished its ever had. The average grade point average of the first-year MBAs crept ever higher, to an impressive 3.73, the highest of any U.S. business school and up from Stanford's 3.69 average last year. The average score on the Graduate Management Admission Test is also a new record: 732, up from 729 last year.
斯坦福大学商学院今年的新生尤为引人注目。一年级MBA的平均分高达3.73分,在所有美国商学院中名列榜首,高于去年斯坦福大学商学院的3.69分。研究生管理专业入学考试(Graduate Management Admission Test)的平均分也创下历史记录,为732分,去年为729分。
3. Univ. of Chicago - Booth
3. 芝加哥大学——布斯商学院
Index: 98.9
Average GMAT: 723
Acceptance rate: 21%
2013 median base salary: $115,000
Chicago Booth ranked third on Poets&Quants' list for the fourth consecutive year and continued to build on its formidable momentum. Among the top 10 U.S. business schools, Booth reported the largest increase in applications this year: a near 10% increase. The increased volume allowed the school to be quite selective, admitting only 21% of its applicant pool. The median GMAT score for the incoming class this year was 730, matching Harvard Business School for the very first time.
芝加哥大学布斯商学院(Chicago Booth)连续第四年在Poets&Quants的排名中位列第三,并依然保持着强劲的势头。今年的美国十佳商学院中,布斯商学院的申请人数增幅最大:约增加了10%。申请人数的增加使它有条件挑剔,而它今年最终录取率仅有21%。今年新生的GMAT平均分为730分,首次与哈佛商学院打成平手。
When grads from the class of 2008 were surveyed for a return-on-investment ranking of MBA programs, Booth turned up second, behind only Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. It was a surprising showing, particularly given Booth's reputation for its educational offerings in finance, which was among the most damaged sectors during the Great Recession and was particularly punishing to class of 2008 grads. Yet, Chicago alumni reported five-year gains in average salary of $92,600, well above Harvard's $79,600 or Wharton's $74,400.
4. Univ. of Pennsylvania - Wharton
4. 宾夕法尼亚大学——沃顿商学院
Index: 98.2
Average GMAT: 725
Acceptance rate: 22%
2013 median base salary: $120,000
What's wrong with WhartonNot very much, to tell the truth. Yet a Wall Street Journalstory two months ago suggested that Wharton has fallen behind rivals in recent years, pointing out that applications have dropped 12% in the past four years along with a years-long decline in business school rankings. Several MBA admissions consultants reinforced the story line, saying that Wharton's luster had faded as the market has shifted away from the school's core strength in finance toward technology and entrepreneurship.
沃顿商学院出现了什么问题?实际上,问题并不严重。但两个月前《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的一篇文章却指出,沃顿商学院近几年落后于竞争对手,还说沃顿商学院过去四年的申请人数减少了12%,在商学院中的排名多年来也在持续下滑。几家MBA入学咨询公司也赞同这种观点,称随着市场从沃顿商学院的核心优势——金融领域,向科技与创业领域转变,沃顿商学院正在慢慢褪去昔日的光环。
Yet MBA graduates from Wharton this year had one of the best placement records in the school's history. Some 97.8% of the class had job offers three months after graduation, up from 95.5% a year earlier, and median base salaries rose to $125,000, up $5,000 from 2012.
This year's entering class at Wharton, moreover, is arguably its best ever -- at least as judged by average GMAT scores. The 725 average GMAT score for the class of 2015 is a record and seven points higher than the previous year. And unlike many other business schools, Wharton has led the way by enrolling record percentages of women, higher than either Harvard or Stanford. This year, 42% of the entering class is made up of women.
5. Northwestern-Kellogg
5. 西北大学——凯洛格商学院
Index: 96.0
Average GMAT: 715
Acceptance rate: 22.9%
2013 median base salary: $120,000
Under Dean Sally Blount, who was recruited from New York University's Stern School, where she led the undergraduate business program, Kellogg is pushing forward in remarkably positive ways. The school recently broke ground on a new ultra-modern home with dramatic vistas of Lake Michigan and Chicago's skyline. Kellogg expects to move into the 410,000 square foot global hub in late 2016.
凯洛格商学院(Kellogg)院长萨丽?布朗特曾在纽约大学(New York University)斯特恩商学院(Stern School)负责商学专业的本科生课程。凯洛格商学院在她的带领下正在朝着积极的方向发展。学院近期开始动工修建一座超现代化的新校园,届时,在新校园将可以欣赏到密歇根湖和芝加哥天际线的壮丽景色。凯洛格商学院预计2016年末就会搬进这个占地410,000平方英尺的全球中心。
It's the latest in a series of changes at Kellogg under Blount, including a greater emphasis on its one-year MBA program for business undergraduates, dramatic improvements in the way the school is teaching entrepreneurship, and a new marketing campaign that challenges Kellogg's grads to "think bravely." To fund the improvements, Blount is half way toward reaching the finish line of a $350 million capital campaign.
This year, for the first time ever, the school added a video component to its admissions process, requiring applicants to answer random questions on webcam.