日期:2013-12-17 13:38


In a beauty survey, men and women were asked to build up a perfect face from the features of some of the most beautiful women in the world.
The research revealed that men prefer blonde hair, full lips, and strong cheekbones but also a petite nose, less prominent forehead and finer eyebrows. Women see the epitome of beauty as raven hair, a stronger nose and forehead profile, strong brows and narrower bone structure.
The most popular features for men were Shakira's cascading blonde hair, Miranda Kerr's button nose, the forehead of Jennifer Aniston, the Duchess of Cambridge's pronounced eyebrows and Angelina Jolie's cheekbones - as well as her famously full lips.
Women's selections for the perfect female face included Freida Pinto's glossy black mane, Keira Knightley's refined cheekbones, Cara Delevingne's bushy bold brows, Blake Lively's strong nose and Scarlett Johansson's pout.
The differences seen in the results from men and women are quite extreme so when it comes to female looks - perhaps men really are from Mars and women from Venus?

  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • extremeadj. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,极限
  • refinedadj. 精炼的,优雅的,精细的 v. 精炼,净化,使
  • boldadj. 大胆的,粗体的,醒目的,无礼的,陡峭的
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • surveyv. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视 n. 调查,纵
  • lively活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,真实的
  • epitomen. 摘要,缩影,化身
  • pronouncedadj. 显著的,断然的,明确的 pronounce的过