With growing scrutiny on its iPhone manufacturing plant, Pegatron Corp. has been working to make changes this year to its Shanghai facility.
和硕联合科技股份有限公司(Pegatron co., 4938.TW, 简称:和硕)今年一直努力改进其上海iPhone代工厂,这家工厂现在正面临越来越多的审查。
The Taiwan-based Apple Inc. supplier on Wednesday confirmed that four workers had died of illnesses recently at the Shanghai factory, but Pegatron and Apple said their investigations indicated that the deaths weren't linked to work conditions.
总部位于台湾的和硕是苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的供应商,该公司周三证实,其上海工厂的四名员工近期因病死亡。但和硕和苹果声称,调查表明员工死亡与工作条件无关。
Even before the most recent wave of scrutiny, Pegatron has been making changes. Chief Financial Officer Charles Lin said Pegatron has built four new dormitories in Shanghai this year to ease crowding, with the number of workers in a dorm room dropping to 8-10 from 10-12. As the company's production ramped up this year, it had doubled its labor force in Shanghai to more than 100,000, resulting in cramped living conditions for workers.
在最近一轮审查开始前,和硕已经对上海工厂的工作条件做了改进。公司首席财务长林秋炭(Charles Lin)说,和硕今年在上海新建了四栋员工宿舍以缓解住宿条件拥挤的情况,建成后每间宿舍人数从10-12人降至8-10人。随着今年和硕产量的提高,其员工总数也增长了一倍,达到10万多人,导致宿舍拥挤不堪。
Because of the housing shortage, some workers also had to live off campus in housing that Pegatron rented, which resulted in a longer commute for them, Mr. Lin said. These workers moved back to the Pegatron campus after the new dorms were completed.
Pegatron is also working to increase automation of particularly dangerous tasks, he said. Automation has long been viewed as too expensive for the assembly of highly customized and difficult-to-make products like iPhones. However, Apple's manufacturers like Pegatron and Foxconn have been investing in automation and are looking to let robots take over at least some of the more basic tasks.
Apple has a team working with Pegatron to ensure its factory conditions meet the Cupertino, Calif.-based company's standards, said Apple spokeswoman Carolyn Wu.
总部位于加州丘珀蒂诺的苹果公司发言人Carolyn Wu称,苹果公司的一支团队正在与和硕共同努力,以确保工厂条件达到苹果公司的标准。
Pegatron is treading a familiar road. Foxconn has had to make sweeping changes at its factories in response to external scrutiny, which has been particularly close for suppliers of Apple, the world's most valuable company.
Meanwhile, Apple has been advertising job openings for 'supplier responsibility' managers in recent months. The company has been diversifying its base of suppliers this year, making it increasingly complicated to oversee work conditions at all its suppliers.