Google will double its investment in a data centre it is building in Taiwan as internet use in Asia rockets beyond what the US internet group predicted a few years ago when it first planned the site, one of its first two Asia data centres.
The search company already invested $300m in the massive centre on a flat plain outside a city in central Taiwan, and says it will double that in the next stages of the data centre’s development.
“Between July and September this year, more than 60m people in Asia got on to mobile internet for the first time; about as many people as live in all the United Kingdom,” said Scott Beaumont, Google’s managing director of greater China. The growth is “really quite staggering and we’re really just beginning”, he said.
谷歌大中华区董事总经理斯科特•博蒙特(Scott Beaumont)说:“今年7-9月,亚洲有逾6000万人首次使用移动互联网,这大约相当于整个英国的人口。”他说,这种增长速度“真的令人震惊,而我们其实才刚刚开始”。
Referring to the recent popularity of YouTube videos like those of South Korean pop star Psy, he said: “We’ve barely got started with video.”
Part of the reason Google will be increasing its investment in Taiwan is that a third planned site, in northern Hong Kong, fell through due to a shortage of usable land in the small territory.
Google engineers said that the company needed more room to grow into than it could find in mostly urban Hong Kong.