日期:2013-11-29 14:38
It was yet another record-breaking week for the stock market. The S&P 500 closed at a new high Thursday of 1790.62, gaining 2.5% during the past week. The index minting new records is becoming about as reliable as a new scandal a day from Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, but this week it was optimistic words from the soon-to-be Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen that precipitated investor confidence. In her first appearance before the Senate Banking Committee, Yellen emphasized her intentions to continue cushioning the economy via quantitative easing — good enough to bump the S&P by 0.5% Thursday. With the market party still raging onward, it wasn’t hard to find some big winners. Of course, the most notable one had her family, not the market, to thank for her bump:
对股市来说,这又是打破纪录的一周。标普500指数在周四创下新高,收报1,790.62点,较过去一周上涨2.5%。该指数屡创新高的节奏正变得跟多伦多市长罗伯·福特(Rob Ford)每天爆出一条新丑闻一样稳定,不过这周给投资者打强心针的是准美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)所做的乐观发言。在其参议院银行业委员会(Senate Banking Committee)首秀中,耶伦强调了她继续通过量化宽松政策为经济提供缓冲的意图——光这一点就已经足以在周四提振标普500指数上涨0.5%了。在市场盛宴方兴未艾的情况下,我们并不难发现一些大赢家。当然了,对于其中最值得一提的一位赢家来说,其财富增长归功于她的家族,而不是市场。
Estee A Little Longer
Cosmetics queen Estee Lauder didn’t have a monster week in trading, but Jane Lauder, one of the granddaughters of the eponymous founder saw her fortune jump after filings with the SEC showed she had been given control of additional shares through family trusts. Lauder, 40, who has worked for the cosmetics giant for years and sits on its board, now holds just under 20 million shares, worth $1.4 billion. That makes her the youngest female billionaire in the U.S. and one of the youngest in the world. No new SEC filing for her older sister Aerin, 43, who is the company’s style and image director and is chairman of her own brand Aerin, has popped yet. Still she holds at least 16 million shares, worth just about $1 billion.
化妆品巨头雅诗兰黛(Estee Lauder)的股价在这周没有经历大幅波动,不过,在简·兰黛(Jane Lauder)向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交监管文件显示她通过家族信托基金获得额外的公司股份之后,其个人财富出现激增——她是该公司创始人雅诗·兰黛(Estee Lauder)的孙女之一。简·兰黛今年40岁,她已在这家化妆品公司工作多年,并且是董事会成员。目前,简·兰黛持有该公司近2,000万股股票,价值14亿美元。这使她成为美国最年轻的女亿万富豪,同时也是世界上最年轻的亿万富豪之一。现在尚没有关于艾琳·兰黛(Aerin Lauder)的新监管文件,43岁的艾琳是简的姐姐,她是雅诗兰黛的风格暨形象总监,并且是自有品牌Aerin的董事长。不过,艾琳至少持有公司1,600万股股票,价值约10亿美元。
Mythic Proportions
Alan Trefler got his start working for his father’s antique restoration company. These days he’s traded antiques for business technology and software solutions at Pegasystems, the company he founded in 1983. Despite decades of experience, his management strategy doesn’t rely a whole lot on formal authority. “I often tell people that if somebody cites me as the reason for doing something, they should throw them out of the office. If I want somebody to do something, I will personally find them and tell them, ” he told the New York Times in 2011. You can’t argue with the results. The company just blew past third-quarter earnings expectations, with quarterly revenue topping $122 million — a 20% increase from last year. Net income also increased, improving to $8.7 million from a loss last year. Pegasystems’ stock popped, ending trading Wednesday up 27% from last week at $48.95 per share. That boosted Trefler’s stake by $211 million in value, closing at $977 million (though a small portion of his 20 million shares are pledged as collateral). Though the stock has dipped a little bit since that Wednesday high, Trefler’s still worth more than $900 million.
阿兰·特雷弗莱(Alan Trefler)的起点是为他父亲的古董修复公司打工。如今,他已经从古董生意转行为提供商业技术和软件解决方案,他在1983年成立了Pegasystems公司。尽管已经有几十年的经验,但特雷弗莱的管理策略并不十分依赖于正式职权。“我经常告诉人们,如果有人把我说成是做某些事的理由,那他们就应该把那个人赶出办公室。如果我想要某人干什么事,我会亲自找到并告诉他们。”特雷弗莱在2011年接受《纽约时报》采访时如是说。你无法反驳这种策略带来的成果。Pegasystems最近公布的第三季度财报超出了市场预期,其季度营收突破1.22亿美元,比去年同期增长了20%。该公司净利润同样有所增长,从去年的亏损变为盈利870万美元。Pegasystems的股价出现飙升,在周三交易日报收于48.95美元,较上一周上涨了27%。这推动特雷弗莱所持股票的价值上涨了2.11亿美元,使其个人净资产达到9.77亿美元(不过,在他所持的2,000万股股票中,有一小部分被抵押为担保品)。尽管该公司的股价在周三达到高点后已经下跌了一些,但特雷弗莱的个人净资产仍然超过9亿美元。
Quite Refined, Indeed
Paul Foster founded Western Refining in 2005 after close to a decade of running affiliated companies. The El Paso, Texas-based independent refiner and marketer went public in 2006 at $17 per share and eclipsed $50 per share before making a poor acquisition leading up to the recession, battering its stock. The company was under $5 per share as late as 2010, when the economy started showing life and U.S. oil production began booming. The oil rush, which now has the U.S. as the top exporter in the world, has invigorated many of the industry’s companies, and it would appear Western Refining is no exception. But it was a strategic acquisition that set Western Refining’s share price on a 15.3% rise this past week, closing Wednesday at $36.81 per share. It bought a 38.7% stake in Northern Tier Energy for $775 million, increase the company’s refining capacity by 89, 500 barrels per day for a total of 242, 500 barrels. Foster, who owns 21.7 million shares or about 25% of the company (though 4 million shares are pledged as collateral against a loan), saw his stake rise $101.8 million in value during the week for a total of $767.9 million.
1997年,保罗·福斯特(Paul Foster)创立了西部炼油公司(Western Refining),此前他有近十年经营相关公司的经历。西部炼油公司的总部位于得克萨斯州的埃尔帕索,这家独立炼油商和贸易商在2006年上市,股票发行价是17美元,并曾达到50美元的高点,但该公司股价因经济衰退前的一笔糟糕收购交易而受到重创。直到2010年,西部炼油公司的股价还不到5美元,当时经济已经开始回暖,而美国石油生产迎来了蓬勃发展。石油热潮——美国现在是全球最大的出口国——已经为这个行业的很多公司带来生气,看起来西部炼油公司也不例外。不过,令西部炼油公司股价在过去一周上涨15.3%的是一笔战略收购交易——其股价在周三交易日报收于36.81美元——该公司以7.75亿美元的价格收购了Northern Tier Energy公司38.7%的股份,这使其自身的日炼油能力增加了89,500桶,达到每日242,500桶。福斯特持有公司2,170万股股票,持股比例为25%(不过,其中400万股股票被抵押为一笔贷款的担保品),过去一周这些股票的价值增长了1.018亿美元,使他的个人净资产达到7.679亿美元。
The Really Rich In Real Time
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos (net worth $33.9 billion) was the biggest dollar gainer yesterday, netting $971 million. Spanish retail mogul Amancio Ortega wasn’t far behind at $887 million. But after his clothing conglomerate Inditex lost 2.3% last week, he was due for a rebound, and he now rests with a $65.8 billion net worth. This week’s biggest loser was Oracle’s Larry Ellison, who lost $668 million on Thursday trading, which will barely leave a mark on his more than $43 billion net worth.
亚马逊(Amazon)的杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos,其个人净资产为339亿美元)是上周四最大的赢家,其个人净资产增长了9.71亿美元。西班牙零售巨头阿曼西奥·奥特加(Amancio Ortega)以8.87亿美元的增长稍落其后。不过,奥特加旗下服装集团印第纺织(Inditex)的股价在上一周下跌了2.3%,他是正好赶上了股价反弹,现在个人净资产为658亿美元。本周最大的输家是甲骨文(Oracle)的拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison),他的个人净资产在周四交易日缩水6.68亿美元,但相较于逾430亿美元的身家来说,这只不过是九牛一毛。
