When it comes to water, this fatso's no pussy.
肥猫佛陀水下运动一开始,那是一点也不含糊 。
In fact, you wouldn't think he's a cat at all. Buddha, who weighed 31.4 pounds when his human died, quickly got used to his water treadmill at Stonewater Animal Rehabilitation in Franklin, Tennessee, WKRN reports. He used to weigh more than two healthy cats, but with a strict diet and 21 minutes a day on his weightlifting treadmill, he's lost nearly 5 pounds.
肥猫佛陀被送到田纳西州的动物康复中心时的体重达有31.4磅,在这里它接受了水下跑步机减肥训练,并很快适应了这样的生活 。佛陀的体重是健康猫咪体重的一倍还要多,在接受减肥训练后以及严格的饮食控制21天以后,佛陀成功甩掉了5磅肉 。
"One might think that a cat in water is cruel, how could you do that? But it really has made a huge difference in his health. It's been fantastic," Volunteer Penny Adams told the station.
“有人会质疑说,把猫放进水里训练是不是有些残忍,你们怎么可以这样做呢?但是这样的训练确实给佛陀的健康但来了巨大的变化,它现在棒极了 。”志愿者Penny Adams告诉大家 。
The cat experts at The Cat Shoppe in Nashville -- who took Buddha in after his owner died -- believe he's obese because he was used to eating people food, including pasta and rice. That's bad for kitty.
将佛陀带去动物康复中心的猫专家认为佛陀的肥胖源于佛陀死去的前主人喂它吃人的食品,包括意大利面和米饭 。这些食品对猫猫是不健康的 。
When he began his rehabilitation, he wasn't too fond of the water. By his sixth visit, he was practically frolicking on the treadmill. The submerged machine, which is usually used on fat dogs, helps Buddha carry some of his weight and relieves encumbered joints.
佛陀最初接受水下跑步机训练时,它不喜欢水,6次训练以后,它就很自如了 。水下跑步机通常是给肥胖的狗狗用的减肥训练仪器,然而,用在佛陀身上,可以利用水的浮力减小它在运动时体重对关节的压力 。
His goal is 20 pounds, at which point he'll be put up for adoption. In the meantime, The Cat Shoppe is chronicling his progress on its Facebook page. Volunteers report that he's healthier and happier than ever!
佛陀的理想体重是20磅,成功减肥可以帮助他被爱心人士领养 。同时,猫专柜的工作人员也将佛陀的减肥进程发布到了网络上,根据志愿者工作人员的报道,佛陀比以前更健康,更快乐了 。