Apple Inc. AAPL -2.28% introduced two newiPhones on Tuesday in an effort to expand the company's reach into new marketswhile solidifying its foothold in high-end smartphones.
Apple's handset lineup will include aless-expensive model, called the iPhone 5C, at $99 for 16 gigabytes with atwo-year wireless-service contract, as well as with a new high-end phone calledthe iPhone 5S, at $199 for 16 GB with a contract. Both phones can be purchasedSept. 20 in the U.S. and other countries, including China. Customers can orderthe 5C starting Friday.
苹果的手机系列将包括一个较便宜的机型,即iPhone 5C,16G版售价99美元,需签订两年无线服务合同,此外还将包括一款新高端手机iPhone5S,16G内存带合同售价199美元。这两款手机将于9月20日在美国和包括中国在内的其他国家上市销售。消费者可以从本周五开始预订iPhone 5C。
The iPhone 5S-in luxury-styled gold, silverand dark gray-will include a fingerprint scanner called Touch ID that allowsusers to unlock their phones or make purchases from Apple's iTunes store bytouching the home button.
iPhone 5S有华丽的金色、银色和深灰色可以选择,这款手机将包括一个名为Touch ID的指纹识别器,用户可以通过触摸主页按钮来解锁手机或者在苹果的iTunes商店购物。
'This is our most-forward thinking phoneyet,' said Phil Schiller, Apple's head of world-wide marketing at aninvitation-only event at the company's Cupertino, Calif., headquarters.
The new smartphone lineup, while largelyexpected, is one of Apple's most important product refreshes in years. Thoughthe smartphone industry is booming, Apple has continued to lose market share torivals such as Samsung Electronics Co. 005930.SE +1.16% and Lenovo Group Ltd.,0992.HK +3.88% each of which have released myriad products to attract an arrayof customers.
这两款新产品虽然已在外界普遍预料之中,但是苹果多年来最重要的升级产品。尽管智能手机市场正在繁荣发展,苹果的市场份额却持续流向包括三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和联想集团有限公司(Lenovo Group Ltd., 简称:联想集团)等竞争对手,这两家公司都已发布了众多吸引大量消费者的产品。
The less-expensive iPhone 5C, whichfeatures a new polycarbonate casing but few other improvements over Apple'sprevious iPhone 5 model, is 'made with all the incredible technology thatcustomers love,' said Mr. Schiller. The 5C will come in five colors-green,white, blue, red and yellow-and have a 4-inch retina display and A6 chip.
席勒说,较便宜的iPhone 5C是由消费者喜爱的所有令人惊叹的技术制造而成。这款手机采用了新的聚碳酸酯外壳,但与苹果此前的iPhone 5相比改进不多。iPhone 5C将有绿色、白色、蓝色、红色和黄色五种颜色可以选择,这款手机配备了一个4英寸视网膜显示屏和A6芯片。
Apple has traditionally discountedprevious-generation phones to $99 with new releases, but this time is droppingthe older iPhone 5 from the lineup.