Apple has finally inked a deal with one of China’s largest wireless providers, drastically increasing its potential footprint in one of the company’s most important markets.
China Mobile will start selling Apple’s latest generation of iPhones beginning Jan. 17, the company said today, though specific details about pricing weren’t available yet. Apple was expected to launch the iPhone on China Mobile eventually, with reports coming out earlier this month that Apple had basically already closed the deal.
中国移动今日表示,将从明年1月17日起开售苹果最新一代iPhone 手机,不过关于定价的具体细节目前尚未知。苹果公司终于正式发布中国移动iPhone合约机,本月早些时候曾有报道称苹果和中国移动的协议基本达成。
It gives Apple access to one of the largest subscriber bases in the world, dwarfing carriers in the U.S. and other countries with more than 760 million subscribers. While Apple hasn’t released a “cheap” iPhone, the company’s latest generation of smartphones seem to be performing quite well in China.
此次协议达成,苹果将触及到世界上最大的用户群之一。要知道中国移动拥有超过7.6亿用户,比美国和其他国家的运营商都要多。虽然苹果还没有发布“廉价版” iPhone 手机,但最新一代的苹果手机iPhone 5C 在中国销量非常不错。
The deal could potentially add billions of dollars of revenue to the company, which has found itself under scrutiny by investors over whether the company will continue to grow at the breakneck pace that it traditionally has. Since hitting a high of $700 in September last year, the company’s stock has dropped off significantly, falling as low as $400 in July earlier this year.