We owe everything to Dr. Ing. h.c. Ferdinand Porsche. The 911 Carrera is justly regarded as the greatest sports car of all time, a fantastically well rounded, tasteful and luxurious automobile, a flawless Olympian that just keeps getting better and faster every four years. It is the standard, the reference. Mad respect for Weissach.
我们的一切都是工程学荣誉博士费迪南德•波尔谢(Ferdinand Porsche)给予的。保时捷“911 Carrera”被理所应当地视为史上最好的跑车。它是一款成熟全面、品味十足的豪车,是一名完美无瑕的奥运会选手,它每隔四年就变得更优、更快。它是标杆,是参考。向魏斯阿赫(Weissach)工厂致敬。
But. If I wanted to drop $100,000 on a sports car today, it'd have to be the Jag. That's what we in journalism call the nut graf.
The Jag is the new Jaguar F-Type─I like mine with the big V8, thank you─and it is thrilling. It's also a huge surprise. Personally, I didn't think Jaguar was prepared to go this deep into sports-performance territory with this car, which looks the part of a merely gorgeous, superbly upholstered grand tourer (the ragtop version hit the U.S. market in May, with the coupe likely arriving by year's end; base engine is an also-formidable 3.0-liter supercharged V6, with either 340 or 380 hp.)
The V8 roadster with the Sport package, the V8 S ($92,000 MSRP), our test car, is essentially a factory tuner: lower, on bigger tires, and brakes with the stopping power of death rays.
我们测试用的是带V8发动机和Sport套装的V8 S(厂商指导价9.2万美元,合人民币56.37万元)。它在本质上是一辆工厂改装车:底盘更低,轮胎更大,制动器的制动力有如死亡射线一般。
If you flip the right switches, the V8 S transforms into something quite belligerent and intense, a British aristocrat well off his meds: The steering grows keen and twitchy, the adaptive suspension gets stingy, the throttle antsy, the torque-vectoring differential goes to work and pretty soon all four tires are chirping and squeaking madly around canyon hairpins. At this point, m'lord is hauling the royal mail.
如果换挡对路,V8 S就变得相当好斗、急切,像一名性情乖张的英国贵族:方向控制变得灵敏而焦躁,自适应悬挂变得吝啬,油门坐立不安,扭矩矢量分配差速器发挥作用,很快四个轮胎就绕着峡谷大弯道疯狂地尖叫。这个时候,英国贵族就像是在运送皇家邮件。
And raising a royal ruckus, thanks to the Jag's woolly exhaust note, for which it will live in noise-ordinance infamy. For some years now, Jaguar has been experimenting with engine and exhaust sounds, tuning their cars' exhaust systems almost musically, using a variety of actuated drums, cockpit-selectable bypass valves and silencers to evoke what they hope will be a brand-specific aural experience: deep, restrained, resonant notes at low rpm and bright, emotional notes at high rpm. Growl and purr, if you like.
With the F-Type V8 S, rabies has set in. If the car's active sport exhaust is set to 'Dynamic Mode'─which it will be, if you possess any red blood cells at all─the F-Type just bellows with feral, straight-pipe aggression right out of the Junior Johnson hymnal. On throttle, the supercharger's whine plays over the exhaust's whacking, resonant staccato. Off-throttle, rolling into a corner, the car's quad exhausts ignite in waves of snapping overrun, like firecrackers in an oil drum.
有了F-Type V8 S,狂犬病也就流行起来。如果该车的主动运动型排气系统设为“动态模式”──就如同你有血红细胞,那就是动态模式──F-Type就发出凶猛的直管排气声音,如一首致小约翰逊(注:Junior Johnson,美国全国汽车比赛协会(NASCAR)最早的车手和创始人)的赞美诗。踩下油门的时候,增压器的轰鸣叠加在排气管的巨大共鸣断音之上。松开油门拐弯时,车辆的四根排气管便溢出口啪声的浪潮,像在油桶里点燃了鞭炮。