Here's a recent snippet of conversation from my own life.Her: “How do you think I look in this?” Me: “You look great.” Her: “I look terrible, I’m changing.”This sort of thing really annoys me. Why ask if you’ve already made up your mind? Why be so hard on yourself (you genuinely look great)? Why are we going through this charade now when the train leaves in 15 minutes?There are a lot of little things women do that annoy their long suffering menfolk (and vice versa, of course). They’re not really a Big Deal. They don’t really matter. They’re just kinda irritating.And if you don’t believe me, believe this. When someone opened a thread on Reddit asking what annoying things girlfriends did, it had 25,000 posts within 24 hours. So here, in handy pictorial form, are the those little things she does that annoy us most of all.
这是我和她在现实生活中的一段真实的对话 。她问“你觉得我看起来怎样?”我答“你看起来好极了 。”她说“我看起来很糟糕,我都变样了 。”这样的对话真的让我很烦 。你自己有想法了,为什么还要来问我?为什么那么在乎你自己看起来怎样?(你其实看起来真的很不错)为什么在火车还有15分钟就要开走的时候跟我打这样的哑谜 。现实生活中,女人做的一些小事真的会让她们的男人烦(当然,男人做的一些小事也让女人烦),那些让男人烦的事一般都是些小事,但是就是很让人抓狂 。要相信,当媒体关注到底女人什么行为让男人们最接受不了时,寄信来投诉的男人络绎不绝的,24小时内就收到了25000封邮件 。所以,今天我们一一列举出那些女人最让男人受不了的行为 。
One Reddit user posted that, during the first three minutes of a film, when a new character comes on screen, his girlfriend will ask, “who’s that?”.That’s one way this movie-based irritation manifests itself, but there are plenty of others. Some women just love to talk through films, asking why, what, where or when at the most inappropriate moments. Others will audibly squeal at the scary bits and giggle uncontrollably - in the cinema - during mildly amusing interludes. Most annoyingly, they’ll assume you know what’s going to happen in films you’ve never seen before, and ask things like: “he will be OK, won’t he?”
一位先生在信中提到关于他的故事,电影才开始三分钟,当一个演员出现在屏幕上时,他女朋友就开始发问“他是谁?”以电影情节为基础的骚扰就这样解开了帷幕,接下来的时间要回答类似的一大堆这样的问题 。一些女人喜欢在看电影的时候议论,在不恰当的时候提一些类似于“为什么”、“怎么样”、“哪里”、“什么时候”的问题 。还有些女人喜欢在看电影时尖叫或大笑 。最让人烦的是她们会猜想你知道所有情节,然后问你“他会没事的,对吧?”
Women, we reckon, can be weirdly jealous. We don’t mean the sort of justifiable jealousy that comes with finding out you’ve been contacting your ex on Facebook. We mean the sort of jealousy that makes Scarlett Johansson or Lady GaGa a threat just because you mention they look nice in a photo.“So what - exactly - does she have that I don’t?” is one deeply irritating response (and don't even think about replying truthfully). Even worse is the moment, three weeks later - with your original transgression all but forgotten (you thought) - when she points to a picture in a tabloid and says something like: “Not looking too good without her makeup, is she? You know, your favourite woman.”
我们猜想女性是很喜欢吃醋的,当然不是讲那种你和前女友网聊,让现女友擒个正着的那种吃醋 。我们的意思是,吃飞醋,就因为你对她讲雷迪嘎嘎或是嘉斯丽看起来不错 。“那你说说,到底什么是她有而我不具备的 。”她这么雷人地回答你 。(你千万别想着姚老师回答这样的问题)然后时态在三周后变得更糟糕:你以为事情就这样慢慢平息了,慢慢也把这事给忘了 。她却拿了她们的海报然后指着对你说“她要不化妆就不行了,是吧?你知道的,她是你最爱的女人嘛 。”
It’s not just that she says yes to something but means no, it’s that she says yes to something and then makes it really, really, obvious she means no, without ever actually saying it.Hence:Him: “Do you mind if I go to the pub with a few of the lads tonight?” Her: “Of course not. I’ll just hang around here and, you know, find something to do.”
不还仅仅是因为她说“同意”的时候,其实想说的是“不同意”;更厉害的是,她还会在说“同意”的时候,那么传神的表达自己相反的意思,让你接收到的信息却是“不同意” 。如果你问:“你介不介意我今晚和几个哥们去酒吧玩一下?”她的回答:“当然不介意啊,我会就呆在家,自己找点事情做打发时间 。”
Many of us think our wives or girlfriends are on the phone way too much. And when we say “on the phone” these days we also mean texting, WhatsApping, Facebooking and all the other stuff that means that when we ask her something she ignores us for a full ten minutes. When we press for an answer she snaps back: “Oh just hang on for a minute will you! I have to reply to this.”And then when we’re apart, and we text her, it takes her two and a half hours to reply.
很多男人都认为自己的妻子或女友太爱煲电话粥 。当然不止是煲电话粥,包括短信、QQ、微博等一切聊天工具 。这时,当我们向她们询问事情的时候,她们可以拖10分钟再回答 。当我们在这个过程中追问,她们会不耐烦的说:“等一分钟不行啊,我要把这个回答了才行 。”但是,当我们和她们分开时,发一条信息给她,要等上两个半小时才有回音 。
Women love compliments - for the first year or two of a relationship. And then they still love compliments, but never from you. Here are three annoying but all-too-common replies to the simple and affectionate statement: “You’re looking lovely tonight, sweetheart”.“Are you mad. I look terrible. No wonder I can’t trust anything you say.” “Ah, thanks, that’s sweet. What do you want?” “Oh come on, you’re a man, you’d fancy anything in a short skirt.”The usual follow-up to such an exchange, delivered a few weeks later, is this:“You never give me compliments anymore.”
在恋爱一两年时间里,女人喜欢被自己被恭维 。接下来她们还是喜欢被恭维,但是是被别人恭维 。举几个很寻常的例子 。男:“亲爱的,你今晚看起来很美 。”女:“你没毛病吧,我今天看起来这么糟,我才不信你呢 。”男:“哦,那你想我怎么说?” 女:“得了吧,你是个男人,只要穿短裙,你都觉得好 。”往往在这样的对话以后的几周时间里,你会得到她这样的反馈:“你就不会对我说点好听的吗?”
“What would you like to do tonight, hon?” she asks, in what will turn out to be a mockery of the democratic process. “Shall we go to the cinema or to that new restaurant on the high street?”“Oh I really fancy the film, it’s had great reviews,” you reply.“No, let’s go to the new restaurant.”You now know that the success of the evening depends on going to the new restaurant. So you go to the new restaurant.
“老公,今晚想想去哪里?”她问到 。在这之后家庭内部的民主大戏就上演了 。“我们可以去看电影,也可以去街上新开的一家饭馆 。”她建议 。“我更愿意去看电影 。”男人如是说 。她的结论:“不,还是去饭馆的好 。” 这时候,作为男人,你知道今晚与不愉快取决于你去不去饭馆,于是,你跟她去了饭馆 。
One Reddit user posted, “she gets upset by things that happen in dreams” and he’s right. Many’s the man who has had to endure a silent breakfast after betraying his girlfriend with her friend, her boss or indeed Scarlett Johansson - in the dream she had last night.It’s not just dreams, though. It’s tarot cards, angel cards, Ouija boards, psychics, astrology and everything else too. Some people will actually act on the stuff told them by an old woman in a floaty dress who sees 'the future' (i.e. a pile of cash) in the arrangement of tea leaves at the bottom of the cup or the cracks in a cheap glass ball. Some women will make you feel bad about things you are going to do in five years time.Suffice to say, a partner’s belief in the ability of anyone or anything to predict any event beyond breakfast is really, really annoying.
有读者寄来信说“女人会因为自己的梦而迁怒于自己 。”他也许是对的 。许多男朋友们在吃早饭得时候大气不敢出,原因是他在自己女友的梦里和女友的好朋友或是那个明星乱搞了 。不仅是梦,女人也相信塔罗牌、通灵板、天使牌、占星术等 。与多人甚至相信那些能标榜自己能看到未来的老巫婆(也就是交钱算命) 。搞些什么迷魂汤和水晶球之类的东西 。有些女人甚至会将5年以后会发生的事来和你说事 。我只是想说,那些拿不可预知的未来说事的爱人们真的是很烦、很烦 。