The most beautiful and important fountain in Rome is also one of the most romantic, and we all know the legend of the Trevi Fountain: making a wish by throwing a coin over your shoulder will bring you back to Rome.
意大利罗马最美丽的,最有名的,同时也是最浪漫的喷泉是特莱维喷泉,(少女喷泉) 。这个喷泉为世人所知除了它的美丽还有那个古老的传说:转身从你肩上方投币如喷泉里,然后许一个愿,你就可以重新回到罗马 。
But the Fontana di Trevi, or Trevi Fountain, hides other myths and legends in Rome, developed in over two hundred years of history (the fountain was inaugurated in 1761). One legend regards Nicola Salvi, who is the architect behind the fountain’s design, and a large vase that dresses a corner of the fountain on via della Stamperia.
当然,关于特莱维喷泉的美丽传说不止这一个 。其中还有有一个传说,可以追溯到200多年以前的1761年,当时喷泉正开工修建,建筑师尼科拉•萨尔维设计了一个大花瓶堵在去della Stamperia的路上 。
The story goes that the architect didn’t get along with a barber in the area, who continued to criticise the fountain and the work. In theory, Salvi put the vase right in front of the Barber shop so the barber could no longer look at the construction. The vase was renamed after an ace of playing cards, “asso di coppe”, due to its similar form.
传说,建筑师Nicola Salvi和当地的理发师不和,因为理发师老是对尼科拉•萨尔维的喷泉设计指手画脚,各种不满意 。于是,被烦透了的尼科拉•萨尔维干脆设计了一个大花瓶,挡住了从理发店看到喷泉的视线 。这个花瓶后来变成了扑克牌里的一个符号,因为两者的样子很像 。
Other Trevi Fountain legends regard lovers and couples. Girls whose lover leaves for military service or work, are guaranteed eternal love if they make their boyfriend drink a glass of water from the fountain, then subsequently break the glass. In this way the man will never forget the girl.
还有一个特莱维喷泉的传说是关于爱情的,女孩的恋人如果因为从军或工作要远行,她就要从喷泉里取一杯水,让恋人喝下,从此她的恋人无论身在那里都会永远爱她,永远不已忘记她 。
A more hygienic way of guaranteeing eternal love, and more suggestive in its name, is to drink from the “Fontanina degli innamorati” or the lovers fountain, which is to the side of the Trevi Fountain. The lovers must drink together to be faithful for life.
要想爱永恒,但要保证喝下去的水很卫生,还是喝来自特莱维喷泉旁边小喷泉“Fontanina degli innamorati”的泉水更保险 。恋人们双双喝下泉水就意味着你们爱对方一辈子了
The Fountain contains a curiosity on its name. It’s called the Fontana di Trevi, or Trevi Fountain due to the trivium, or crossroads that formed in the place in medieval times. Here there was the Acque Vergine, or virgin water, the place where the Trevi Fountain now stands. Medieval characteristics still exist in the area.
特莱维喷泉的名字得来也很有意思,之所以被叫做特莱维,因为在意大利语中“特莱维”是三岔路口的意思,前面有三条道路延伸出去 。trevi亦作trivium,意谓“三条道路集中的地方” 。Acque Vergine 意谓“少女泉” 。中世纪的特点在这个建筑立面表现的淋漓尽致 。