HE may be royal, but when it comes to paternity leave Prince William is in the same boat as everyone else. Like thousands of other new fathers in Britain, he will get two weeks off when his child is born.
他可能是皇族,但涉及到陪产假,威廉王子和其他人一样在同一条船上 。像英国其他成千上万的准爸爸一样,当他的孩子出生时他将得到两周的假期 。
Along with British society, the royal family has been gradually modernizing its attitudes to birth and parenting. William's father, Prince Charles, was present at the birth of his two sons, who were born in a hospital rather than a palace - both breaks from royal tradition.
随着英国社会发展,皇室对生产和育儿的态度已经逐渐现代化 。威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王子在他的两个儿子出生时都在现场,他们都出生在医院而不是皇宫——都打破了皇室传统 。
But William is the first senior royal to receive statutory paternity leave, which was introduced in Britain in 2003.
但威廉是第一位享受法定陪产假的皇室成员,这是英国2003年推出的 。
Some family campaigners say William, a Royal Air Force search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, is setting a good example in a country .
一些家庭倡议者说威廉,皇家空军搜救直升机飞行员,在国内树立了一个好榜样 。
But others say two weeks is not enough, and argue social and economic pressures still discourage fathers from spending time looking after their newborns.
但其他人说两周是不够的,认为社会和经济压力仍然阻碍了父亲花时间来照顾他们的新生儿 。
"There is an element that employers - and men themselves - are thinking of them as the ones who earn the money and stick in that role when children come along," said Jeremy Davies of the Fatherhood Institute think tank. "It can be quite difficult to set yourself apart from that."
“还有一个因素即雇主和男人本身——考虑他们要挣钱养家,当孩子出生时也要坚守那个角色,”父职研究会智囊团的杰雷米•戴维斯说 。“很难使自己从那分离开来 。”
Under British law, William is entitled to two weeks off at a flat pay rate of just under 137 pounds (US$206) a week. He's lucky - the military is among employers that pay more, and he will receive his full salary.
根据英国法律,威廉有权休息两周,统一的周薪略低于137英镑(206美元) 。他是幸运的,军队是有钱的雇主,他将得到全额工资 。
The government says two-thirds of new fathers take some paternity leave, but less than half take the full two weeks. Some are ineligible because they are self-employed or haven't been at a job for at least six months. Others just can't afford it.
政府说三分之二的准爸爸会休陪产假,但只有不到一半的人会休满整整两周 。有些是不合格的因为他们是个体经营户,或者还没有在一个岗位上工作至少六个月 。剩下的人只是负担不起 。
Mothers can take up to a year off, though only 39 weeks of it is paid, and not at full salary.
妈妈可以休息一年,虽然只有39周的带薪,且不是全额工资 。