Rio de Janeiro, firmly anchored in the locals' passionate sense of belonging and in international curiosity, resists crises and remains, year in, year out, at the forefront of Brazil travel.
里约热内卢,巴西人激情的归属地,吸引着全世界好奇的目光,与各种危机抗争,一直是巴西旅游的热门地点 。
Rio is in the limelight as the city gets ready to host FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 (June 15-30, 2013), World Youth Day 2013 (July 23-28, 2013), FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 (June 12 to July 13, 2014) and the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
随着一系列大型体育盛会,诸如联合会杯,世界杯,奥运会,残奥会的来临,里约正成为世界的焦点 。
Attractions known worldwide, such as the Corcovado, have helped Rio achieve the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The most visited city in Brazil for leisure travel, Rio had its allure confirmed during Rio+20 - according to Embratur, polls carried out among visitors to the conference revealed that 97% of them intend to return.
作为巴西休闲游玩最常去的城市,里约在联合国可持续发展大会上证明了自己的魅力 。据巴西旅游局统计,与会的参观者中97%有意再次回来参观 。
The beach is where cariocas tan, jog, flirt, surf and even do homework. Enjoy the beaches on the South Side or go further to Barra da Tijuca and more pristine stretches such as Prainha or the still placid Guaratiba and Barra de Guaratiba for a complete Rio de Janeiro experience.
海滩是里约人晒太阳,慢跑,调情,冲浪,甚至是做作业的地方 。享受南部的海滩,或者去更远的巴拉达帝如卡区和更原始的普莱尼亚,或是去安静的瓜拉蒂巴感受完整的里约热内卢 。
The least one can say about Rio is that it has a great location. Guanabara Bay has long fascinated visitors - in a 1553 letter to Portuguese king D. John III, Tomé de Souza, Brazil's first General Governor, wrote that "tudo he graça ho que della se pode dizer" - roughly meaning that, in a nutshell, the bay is all grace.
里约位置极佳 。瓜纳巴拉湾长期都有游客参观 。在1553年,巴西的第一人长官汤姆·德·苏扎写信给葡萄牙国王约翰三世说,简而言之,这个海湾优雅至极 。
Rio is nearly as old as Brazil, founded as it was in 1565, just 65 years after the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese.
里约跟巴西一样悠久,在葡萄牙人发现巴西的六十五年后,也就是1565年,就建立起来了 。
Several of the city's historic attractions date back to the transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil in 1808. Rio was the seat of colonial government from 1763 to 1822 and the capital of Brazil as an independent nation from 1822 to 1960; the city's history museums witness to that prestige.
城市中几个历史景点都要追溯到1808年葡萄牙向巴西移交权力之时 。里约是1763年到1822年殖民政府的中心,也是1822年巴西独立后的首都,一直到1960年 。城市的历史博物馆见证了这些岁月 。
Great Rio de Janeiro restaurants are scattered all over, with fine choices along the beach - Barra da Tijuca and Guaratiba, Ipanema, Copacabana, Leblon - and some time-tested places in the historic downtown area.
里约热内卢餐馆遍布全城,沿着海滩,选择众多,同时,在历史悠久的市区也有很多老字号 。
One of the most dazzling celebrations on earth, Rio de Janeiro Carnival is a variegated festival made up of samba school parades on the Sambódromo, hundreds of street Carnival parades and parties with blocos, and Carnival balls.
作为世界上最耀眼的狂欢节之一,里约热内卢狂欢节是一个色彩斑斓的节日,节目包括来自桑巴舞学校的桑巴游行,数以百计的街头狂欢游行,还有各个街区的派对,当然还有狂欢节舞会 。