The hottest movie in China these days, "Tiny Times," puts the spotlight on the much-criticized "me generation" born after 1990s and the gap between them and everyone else.
中国这些天最热门的电影《小时代》把焦点集中在1990年之后出生的饱受批评的“以自我为中心的一代人”以及他们和其他人之间的代沟 。
The domestic coming-of-age film set in Shanghai even eclipsed the Hollywood blockbuster "Man of Steel," demonstrating that China's young audience prefers homegrown dramas they can relate to.
这部设在上海的国内关于成长的电影甚至超过了好莱坞大片《钢铁侠》,证明中国的年轻观众更喜欢与他们有关的国产剧 。
It also broke the record for first-day box office in China.
它还打破了中国的首日票房纪录 。
"Tiny Times" ("Xiao Shi Dai") has also generated a storm of controversy, with critics calling it trash that glorifies immorality and materialism.
《小时代》也产生了极大的争议,批评家称之为垃圾,美化了不道德和物质主义 。
It's filled with luxury brands of fashion and cars, as well as beautiful people, splendid venues and desirable men who can afford to shower gifts on women. There are plenty of romantic entanglements that strain the women's friendships.
电影充满了时尚奢侈品牌和豪车,以及俊男美女、奢华的场所、可以给女人买各种礼物的理想男人 。有很多歪曲女性友谊的浪漫纠葛 。
The visuals are beautiful and there's a lot of voiceover in which the women talk about what they want, such as true friendship, love and dream.
视觉效果很漂亮,有很多画外音是女人谈论她们想要的东西,如真正的友情、爱情和梦想 。
Director Guo Jingming, who is also the bestselling novel's author, says it is really a movie about youthhood and one intended to inspire young people to pursue their dreams, like the protagonists, some wealthy, some poor. But many critics blame him for exploiting the word "dream" while they consider the movie's focus the glamorous lifestyle that most young audience can't afford.
导演郭敬明,他也是这本最畅销小说的作者,说这是一部真正关于青春的电影,一部旨在鼓励年轻人去追求他们梦想的电影,就像主角一样,有些很富有,有些很贫穷 。但许多批评者指责他利用“梦想”一词,他们觉得电影聚焦的是大多数年轻观众负担不起的奢华生活方式 。
Anyone who likes or praises it is immediately labeled jiu ling hou or post-1990s generation. Critics, including many famous directors and critics, are denounced by young fans. "They are getting too old to understand the beauty of youth and dreams," one person commented on the weibo microblog.
那些喜欢或称赞它的人立即贴上90后的标签 。批评者,包括许多著名的导演和评论家,被年轻的影迷所指责 。“他们太老了,难以理解青春和梦想的美丽”,一个人在新浪微博上发表评论说 。
The movie raked in more than 100 million yuan (US$16.3 million) in two days and is now hitting 300 million yuan in little more than a week.
电影票房两天1亿多元(1630万美元),现在不超过一个星期已经达到3亿元 。
Guo has said he didn't want to direct it at first, "but we looked all over the country and couldn't find anyone fit to direct it," he says.
郭敬明说他一开始不想导演它,“但我们找遍了整个国家,找不到任何适合的人来导演它,”他说 。
"We don't really have any movies that target the post-1990s generation, the young people are a major force today. It will be too late if we don't start making movies for them," Guo adds.
“我们确实没有任何针对90后的电影,年轻人是今天的主力 。如果我们不开始为他们制作电影,这将是太迟了,“郭敬明补充说 。
The timing of release is perfect - the target audience are students who are beginning their summer holiday.
上映时机是完美的——目标受众是开始放暑假的学生 。
China's film market once was dominated by big-budget, historic spectacle movies by famed directors such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige.
中国的电影市场曾经是大制作占据主导地位,著名导演如张艺谋和陈凯歌的历史奇观电影 。
In the last two years, that pattern has been broken and medium- to low-budget films made a big entrance and, to everyone's surprise, topped the box office in 2012.
在过去的两年里,这种模式已经被打破,中-低成本电影找到了大的突破口,让大家都感到吃惊的是2012年票房登顶 。
The small-budget, tacky comedy "Lost in Thailand" was considered a phenomenon, as was "So Young," a small-budget nostalgic film about youth.
低成本的接地气喜剧《泰囧》被认为是一种现象,正如《致青春》是低成本的关于青春的怀旧电影 。
Critics have long been saying China needs more small- and medium-budget films that people can relate to.
评论人士一直说中国需要与人们相关的中小成本的电影 。