Columbia University is known for its top academics and high price tag, but it also has a classically beautiful college campus with the added bonus of being in New York City.
哥伦比亚大学以顶级学者和高昂价格标签而闻名,但它也有一个古典美丽的大学校园,其额外的好处是位在纽约市 。
Much of Columbia's architecture reflects the university's commitment to liberal education. All students must go through the school's famed Core Curriculum, a series of classes aimed at creating critical thinkers.
哥伦比亚大学的大部分建筑反映了大学重文科教育的承诺 。所有的学生都必须通过学校著名的核心课程,一系列旨在培养批判性思想家的课程 。
The university was originally founded by royal edict in the mid-18th century as King's College. These royal ties can still be seen in Columbia's crown logo, which appears on flags and gates all over the campus.
这所大学在18世纪中叶根据《国王宪章》创立,作为国王学院 。这些皇家关系仍然可以在哥伦比亚的皇冠标志上看到,它出现在校园里的所有国旗和大门上 。
We recently decided to explore Columbia and see its stunning campus firsthand.
最近,我们决定探索哥伦比亚大学,亲自见识它美丽的校园 。
The university has its own stop at 116th street. Check out the blue and white trim, Columbia's colors.
这所大学在116街有自己的站 。看看这蓝色和白色的装饰,哥伦比亚的颜色 。
Morningside Heights may seem like a normal New York neighborhood...
But you can't miss the historic and beautiful Columbia campus. It stretches from 114th to 120th streets, and from Broadway to Amsterdam Avenue.
但你不能错过充满历史且美丽的哥伦比亚大学校园 。它从114街一直到120街,从百老汇到阿姆斯特丹大道 。
One phrase we heard repeatedly was the idea of Columbia as an "academic acropolis." Classical imagery is peppered throughout the campus, from columns on building entrances to philosophers' names etched onto walls.
我们反复听到的一个短语即哥伦比亚的理念是作为“学术卫城” 。古典意象布满整个校园,从大学入口的圆柱到刻在墙壁上的哲学家名字 。
The gate is flanked by two statues. If you look closely at the woman on the southern end, you can see her book has Latin writing, a reference to the importance of the humanities.
门的两侧是两座雕像 。如果你在南边尽头仔细看那女人,你可以看到她的书上有拉丁写作,指的是人文学科的重要性 。
The man to the north holds a globe that reads "Scientia," emphasizing the sciences.
北边的人持有一个地球仪,上面写着“Scientia”,强调科学 。
We passed by another tour when we were walking. The lion is Columbia's mascot and is the name of their teams.
当我们行走时我们通过另一个巡游 。狮子是哥伦比亚的吉祥物,是他们团队的名称 。
Our last stop was outside of Lerner Hall, Columbia's modern student center. Inside are several places to get food, as well as discounted tickets for arts events throughout New York City.
我们最后一站是勒纳大厅外面,哥伦比亚大学的现代学生中心 。里面有几个地方可以得到食物,以及全纽约的艺术活动的折扣门票 。
One last shot of Columbia's beautiful campus.
最后一个镜头,哥伦比亚大学的美丽校园 。