George Washington and his Revolutionary War victories. Robert Frost and the composition of 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.' Bill Gates and the founding of Microsoft. Steve Wozniak and the invention of color computer monitors. Tom Stemberg and the launch of the Staples company. Each is a great American success story. But do such stories share a common ingredient, one that you can incorporate into your career strategy in order to maximize your professional success?
乔治•华盛顿(George Washington)和他在美国独立战争中取得的胜利,罗伯特•弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)与《雪夜林中小驻》(Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)的创作,比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)与微软(Microsoft)的创办,史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)与彩色电脑显示器的发明,汤姆•斯坦伯格(Tom Stemberg)与史泰博(Staples)公司的创立──每一个都是了不起的美国式成功。但这些成功是否拥有某种共同的元素,你可以拿来融入到自己的职场策略当中,从而在职业上取得最大化的成功?
They do - but it's likely not what you would expect. In each case, an all-nighter a work session of 24 hours or more made all the difference.
Take Washington, for example. Before he became President, war was his profession, and all-nighters were the way he outwitted his enemy. The British, despite their technological and organizational superiority, took an orthodox approach to battle, one that assumed that major engagements would take place in open fields at fixed times. Washington, on the other hand, used the nighttime hours to plot, plan, and maneuver.
Thus, in 1776, Washington and his troops were pinned down by the British army and navy in northern Brooklyn, New York City. The destruction of the colonial army seemed inevitable. Yet, in one night, under cover of darkness, Washington evacuated his men across the river to Manhattan, undetected and without a single casualty.
Washington used a similar gambit that winter in his successful ambush of the Hessian encampment near Trenton, New Jersey, immortalized by the famous painting 'Washington Crossing the Delaware.' Here, too, the general and his troops abstained from sleep for a full night to surprise the enemy and turn the tide of the war.
那年冬天,华盛顿采用同样的战术,在新泽西州特伦顿(Trenton)附近成功地伏击了黑森雇佣兵的营地。这次伏击因为《华盛顿横渡特拉华河》(Washington Crossing the Delaware)这幅名画而名垂千古。在这里,华盛顿及其将士同样彻夜未眠,从而出奇制胜、扭转战局。
When it comes to your career, all-nighters are not just about working when others are sleeping. They also can improve the quality of your creative work product. Consider Frost's 'Stopping by Woods.' One morning, after working all night, Frost was struck by a flash of inspiration, and wrote the poem in a matter of minutes. Or consider Wozniak's vision of monitors that could display color. As Wozniak has explained, in order to meet a deadline on another project, he had to stay up for days on end. His delirious exhaustion became a catalyst for uninhibited creativity, where ideas could flow without rigid conscious control, leading to an innovation that changed the computer industry.
From a scientific perspective, why do all-nighters work? Why are they an effective tool for purposes of career advancement? After all, conventional wisdom says that sleep is good, and that lack of sleep can lead to sloppy mistakes.
In fact, while sleep is a vital element in a professional life, all-nighters, when employed wisely, also can play a unique role. For instance, in a 2011 study, 'Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-Optimal Is Optimal,' by researchers at Michigan State University and Albion College (Michigan), two groups of adults were presented with riddles that required the use of creative insight. The first group attempted to tackle these problems at the 'high point' in their circadian rhythm. The other group had to do so when feeling less awake and alert. The tired subjects were significantly better at solving these problems, while just as effective at solving other, less creative tasks.
事实上,虽然睡眠是职业生涯中不可或缺的元素,但熬夜只要得当,也可以发挥独特的作用。比如密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)和密歇根阿尔比恩学院(Albion College)的研究人员2011年的论文《连轴转对解决问题的作用:非最佳时间表现最佳》(Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-Optimal Is Optimal)写道,两组成年人都拿到要求动用创造性思维的思考题,第一组要在他们生物钟的“高点”解答这些问题,第二组则要在感到没那么清醒、警觉的时候来解答问题。结果疲惫的那一组解答这些问题的成绩明显更好,而在完成其他对创造性要求更低的任务时,他们的效率跟第一组是一样的。
What is the explanation for this phenomenon? When well-rested, we tend to marshal our executive-level cognitive resources to focus efficiently on narrowly defined tasks. But creativity often mandates that we do the opposite namely, to give expression to ideas that are 'outside the box,' ideas that we might normally dismiss as silly or irrational. During an all-nighter, the walls of that 'box' can break down, to your benefit.
What about projects that are not creative in nature, and that simply require sustained attention, patience, and linear thinking? If you go into an all-nighter well-rested, this type of cognitive horsepower also can keep up for a surprisingly long time. For instance, a 2009 study out of Harvard Medical School, 'Failure to Find Executive Function Deficits Following One Night's Total Sleep Deprivation in University Students Under Naturalistic Conditions,' found that, despite being subjected to over 30 hours of sleep deprivation, young adults were no less effective than their well-rested counterparts at a variety of cognitive tests having to do with language, logic, and comprehension.
那些本质上不具创造性、只需要持续专注、耐心和线性思维的项目呢?如果你是休息充分地熬夜,那么这种认知能量也可以维持超乎想象的时间。比如哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)2009年论文《自然条件下大学生整夜未眠之后未发现执行功能障碍》(Failure to Find Executive Function Deficits Following One Night's Total Sleep Deprivation in University Students Under Naturalistic Conditions)指出,在多项涉及语言、逻辑和理解的认知测试中,年轻成年人在30多小时不眠之后的效率不低于其他休息充分的年轻成年人。
So what's the bottom line? If you want to take your career to the next level by improving the quality or quantity of your work, the occasional all-nighter, properly planned and executed in time-tested American tradition, may be the perfect prescription.