The nuptials, which reportedly cost $9 million, took place in the coastal retreat of Big Sur, California in front of 300 guests.
据英国《每日电讯报》6月2日报道,美国社交网络Facebook公司的首任总裁肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)与他的歌星女友举办了婚礼,而这场婚礼则是硅谷有史以来最为豪华的的婚礼之一。据报道,这场婚礼耗资9百万美金,举办地点位于美国加利福尼亚大苏尔海岸寓所,有300位嘉宾共同见证这一美妙时刻。
Parker, 33, had been rumoured to be planning a themed event, based on the television series Game of Thrones, for his wedding to Alexandra Lenas.
一直有传闻今年33岁的帕克正在筹办一个主题婚礼,会按电视剧《权力游戏》(Games of Thrones)的情节来设计与蕾娜斯的婚礼。
However, before the ceremony he said: "Sorry to disappoint, but the wardrobe we're giving guests is essentially modern. No swords or chain mail. This is not a 'theme' wedding."
The scene did reportedly resemble a Hollywood set with landscapers spending weeks building fake waterfalls, ruins and backdrops, and a $600,000 stone gate.
According to People magazine a temporary dance floor reportedly cost $350,000, and the bill for flowers and plants came to $1 million.
The couple's infant daughter Winter Victoria and the guests were dressed by Oscar-winning costume designer Ngila Dickson, known for her work on The Lord of the Rings films.
这对新婚夫妇的小女儿维特·维多利亚(Winter Victoriea)与到场嘉宾所穿的服装是由奥斯卡服装最佳设计师尼吉拉·迪克森(Ngila Dickson)设计。她以为电影《指环王》(The Lord of Ring)设计服装而出名。
Parker's representative described it as a "romantic, magical setting," Forbes has estimated the wealth of Parker, who also co-founded music sharing site Napster in 1999, at $2 billion.
He was portrayed by Justin Timberlake in the 2010 movie "The Social Network".
美国著名歌手贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)于2010年电影《社交网络》中扮演肖恩·帕克。