Where do great ideas come from?
At the heart of any successful business is a great idea. Some seem so simple we wonder why nobody thought of them before. Others are so revolutionary we wonder how anybody couldn't thought of them at all.
But those great ideas don't come on command. And that leaves lots of would-be entrepreneurs asking the same question: How did everybody else get inspiration to strike─and how can we work the same magic?
To find out, we turned to the experts─the start-up mentors who discuss launching businesses at our Accelerators blog, as well as other investors, advisers and professors who have seen and heard countless success stories, and entrepreneurs who have written success stories of their own. They saw inspiration coming from all sorts of sources─everyday puzzles, driving passions and the subconscious mind.
Here's what they had to say.
Look at What's Bugging You
Ideas for startups often begin with a problem that needs to be solved. And they don't usually come while you're sitting around sipping coffee and contemplating life. They tend to reveal themselves while you're hard at work on something else.
For instance, one company of mine, earFeeder, came about because I wanted news on music I loved and found it hard to get. So I created a service that checks your computer for the music you have stored there, then feeds you news from the Internet about those bands, along with ticket deals and other things.
You're Never Too Old
Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook, Paul Allen and Bill Gates with Microsoft, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with Apple AAPL +1.42%─those success stories lead some people to think that coming up with big ideas is a young person's game. But the tech entrepreneurs who rose to early fame and fortune are just the outliers. The typical entrepreneur is a middle-aged professional who learns about a market need and starts a company with his own savings.
Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),微软(Microsoft)的保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)和比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),还有苹果公司(Apple)的史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)和史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)──这些成功故事让一些人认为伟大的创意是年轻人的专利。但科技行业年纪轻轻便功成名就的创业者仅仅是少数。典型的创业者是中年专业人士,他们会了解市场需求,并用自己的积蓄创办公司。
Research that my team completed in 2009 determined that the average age of a successful entrepreneur in high-growth industries such as computers, health care and aerospace is 40. Twice as many successful entrepreneurs are aged over 50 as under 25, and twice as many over 60 as under 20.
Vivek Wadhwa
维韦克·瓦德瓦(Vivek Wadhwa)
Vice president of academics and innovation, Singularity University
奇点大学(Singularity University)学术和创新副校长
Be Present in Life
Start your brainstorming with problems that you are personally invested in. Building a business is hard as hell and takes the kind of relentless dedication that comes from personal passion.
The next big question is 'How?' Great ideas and innovations come from executing on your idea in a different way than everybody else is attacking it, if they're attacking it at all. A great way to do this is to look outside of your industry to see how others are solving problems. Approaches that they think are routine might be out of the ordinary for you─and inspire great ideas.
Also, most business people tend to ignore our creative side until we really need it. Making sure that your life has a balance of the arts is a great way to stay engaged creatively.
This last tip will seem insanely obvious. However, in the world we live in, it's easier said than done: Simply be present in life.
I'm sure you can relate to how over-connected we all are. Something as simple as having a cup of coffee becomes a juggling act of replying to emails and managing schedules. It's easy to miss a potential piece to your innovation puzzle when it's right under your nose if you aren't there.
Angela Benton
安吉拉·本顿(Angela Benton)
Founder and CEO, NewME Accelerator
NewME Accelerator创始人兼首席执行长
Ideas Are Abundant; Drive Isn't
Perhaps the greatest factor that determines whether or not an entrepreneur will be successful isn't the business idea itself, but rather the entrepreneur's willingness to try (and keep trying) to turn the idea into reality. Great ideas are abundant, but it's what we decide to do with them that counts.
Samer Kurdi
萨默尔·库尔迪(Samer Kurdi)
Chairman of the global board, Entrepreneurs' Organization
创业者组织(Entrepreneurs' Organization)全球理事会主席
Let Your Subconscious Do the Work
When the mind is occupied with a monotonous task, it can stimulate the subconscious into a eureka moment. That's what happened to me. The business model for my company, ClearFit, which provides an easy way for companies to find employees and predict job fit, hatched in the back of my mind while I was driving 80 miles an hour, not thinking about work at all.
The subconscious mind runs in the background, silently affecting the outcome of many thoughts. So, take a break and smell the flowers, because while you're out doing that, your mind may very well solve the problem that you are trying to solve or spark a solution to a problem you hadn't considered before.
Ben Baldwin
本·鲍德温(Ben Baldwin)
Co-founder and CEO, ClearFit
Attack Practical Problems
Make a note whenever you encounter a service or a customer experience that frustrates you, or wish you had a product that met your needs that you can't find anywhere. Then ask yourself, is this a problem I could solve? And how much time and money would it take to test my idea?
That last point is crucial. As my sage Stanford professor Andy Rachleff encouraged me, 'Make sure you can fail fast and cheaply.' In business school, I had a couple of big ideas. One was improving domestic airline service─which would have cost millions and taken years. I decided to pursue another opportunity that was a lot cheaper and would show results faster─a clothing line called Bonobos.
这最后一点很关键。我尊崇的智者──斯坦福大学(Stanford)教授安迪·拉切列夫(Andy Rachleff)曾鼓励我说:“要确保你能快速失败,失败的代价要小。”在商学院时,我有几个大的创业构想。其中一个是改进国内航班的服务──这要耗资数以百万计的金钱,要花很多年时间。于是我决定寻求另一个成本低得多、见效也更快的机会──我创立了一个名为Bonobos的服装品牌。
In the end, it took me just nine months and $15,000 of startup funds to get a little traction and market feedback.