1.Don't forget to sleep
Sleep is going to be the best way of your body renewal. Adequate sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It can benefit your mind, weight and improve your overall well-being. If you aren't sleeping enough, you should be ready to face indisposition and other problems.
睡觉是恢复你的身体最好的方式 。充足的睡眠是健康的生活方式的一个重要部分 。睡觉有益于你的大脑和体重,有助于提高你整体的健康状况 。如果你睡眠不足,你可能就会面临身体不适和其他问题了 。
Your body needs a good rest at night to generate the power to start a new day with a smile on your face.
你的身体,需要在晚上好好休息一下,这样才能产生足够的精力来面带微笑迎接开始新的一天 。
2. Listen to your body
It's better to listen to your body and let your intuition prompt you to find time for rest or exercises. Your body always gives you signals to fulfill its needs. Your body often lacks various nourishing elements and minerals. It analyzes the information about the work of different systems and sends an impulse to your brain.
最好听你身体的话,让你的直觉提示你来抽时间休息或者锻炼 。你的身体往往会给你一些信号来满足身体需求 。你的身体常常会缺乏多种营养元素和矿物质 。身体会分析不同系统工作的信息,然后给你的大脑发出刺激 。
If you feel that your body needs some kinds of foods, you should try to eat them with enjoyment. Human body is a unique and smart mechanism that gives you signs. Your task is to notice them and to do all possible things to stay happy and healthy.
如果你感觉你的身体需要某种食物,你应该试着开心得吃一些这些食物 。人的身体是一种可以给你信号的独特敏锐的机制 。你的任务就是注意到这些信号,然后尽可能做所有事情让身体保持快乐和健康 。
3. Take vitamins daily
Today it's hard to be sure that you get all the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to be healthy. Taking vitamins is a great nutrition insurance policy.
今天很难确定你是否得到了身体保持健康所需的所有营养和维他命 。摄入维他命是一种很棒的营养保险策略 。
I think it's better to take vitamins daily than to spend big sums of money to cure various diseases. I prefer multivitamins, because they include all necessary minerals the body needs. If you want to take a certain group of vitamins, then consult your doctor.
我认为最好是每天服用一些维他命,这总比花许多钱治疗多种疾病要好得多 。我更喜欢多种维他命,因为它们包含所有身体所需的必要的矿物质 。如果你想服用特定的某种维他命,那就咨询一下你的医生吧 。