"Are you a nerd?" "Can you dance?" "If you were a doughnut, what kind would you be?" When talent management consultants Development Dimensions International quizzed more than 2,000 newly hired employees about strange questions they had fielded in job interviews, the researchers got an earful. Some hiring managers' queries are not just odd, they're banned by law. See if you can spot the illegal questions in the following list. (Answers are at the bottom.)
“你是个书呆子吗?”“你会跳舞吗?”“如果你是一个甜甜圈,你会是哪种?”人才管理咨询公司美国智睿咨询有限公司(Development Dimensions International)调查了2,000多名最近被聘用的员工,询问他们在面试过程中遇到的奇怪问题,结果调查人员收集了一大堆问题。有些招聘经理的问题不只是古怪那么简单,它们甚至触犯了法律。你能从下列问题中找出不合法的问题吗?(答案见文章末尾。)
1. "Have you ever been to a disco?"
1. “你去过迪厅吗?”
2. "Do you wish you were a famous person?"
2. “你是否希望自己是个名人?”
3. "Can I see your wallet?"
3. “我能看看你的钱包吗?”
4. "How much do you love money?"
4. “你有多爱钱?”
5. "Discuss the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall." (for a retail management job)
5. “请你谈谈冷战和柏林墙的倒塌。”(一个零售管理工作岗位)
6. "Describe your sex life."
6. “请描述一下你的性生活。”
7. "Do you have a bird?"
7. “你养鸟吗?”
8. "Do you whiten your teeth?"
8. “你做牙齿美白吗?”
9. "Do you believe there is life in outer space?"
9. “你相信有外星生命存在吗?”
10. "Are you expecting to get married or have children in the next year?"
10. “你希望明年结婚或要孩子吗?”
11. "Are you a Muslim?"
11. “你是穆斯林吗?”
12. "Are you gay?"
12. “你是同性恋吗?”
13. "Are you a racist?"
13. “你是种族主义者吗?”
14. "Are you straight or bi?"
14. “你是异性恋还是双性恋?”
15. "What leadership skills are required to cook a chicken?"
15. “烹饪一只鸡需要哪些领导技能?”
16. "What would you do if someone spat on you?"
16. “如果有人向你吐口水,你会怎么做?”
17. "How do you get along with your mother-in-law?"
17. “你跟你的岳母/婆婆处得好吗?”
18. "How do you feel about cats?"
18. “你怎么看待猫?”
19. "Are you good at picking up women?"
19. “你擅长泡妞吗?”
20. "What is your dog's name?"
20. “你家狗叫什么名字?”
21. "How much can you drink?"
21. “你酒量如何?”
22. "What would make you want to leave your husband?"
22. “你会因为什么原因离开自己的丈夫?”
23. "Are you willing to put your job before your family?"
23. “你愿意把工作放在第一位、家庭放在第二位吗?”
24. "Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?"
24. “你得过性病吗?”
25. "How many Beatles can you name?"
25. “你能叫出几位甲壳虫乐队成员的名字?”
26. "If you would commit a crime, what would it be?"
26. “如果你犯罪,会是哪种罪行?”
27. "Would you go out with me?"
27. “你愿意跟我约会吗?”
28. "Many of our employees are Catholic. Would you have trouble fitting in here?"
28. “我们的许多员工都是天主教徒。你能适应吗?会有问题吗?”
29. "Can I have a copy of your birth certificate?"
29. “能给我一份你的出生证明复印件吗?”
30. "What would you do if your spouse got a job in another state?"
30. “如果你的配偶在其他州找到一份工作,你会怎么做?”
31. "Are you expecting?"
31. “你怀上了吗?”
32. "Is there anyone else you would recommend for this position?"
32. “你有没有其他适合这个职位的人选推荐给我们?”
33. "Do you believe in ghosts?"
33. “你相信有鬼吗?”
34. "Can you give me a small photo of yourself?"
34. “能给我一张你的小照片吗?”
35. "Did you ever have trouble starting your car?"
35. “你在启动汽车的时候遇到过麻烦吗?”
36. "Can I get a recommendation from your pastor?"
36. “能给我提供一份你牧师的推荐信吗?”
37. "Can you turn around?"
37. “你能转过身去吗?”
38. "Can you count to 50?"
38. “你能数到50吗?”
39. "Will you keep other people sober at the Christmas party?"
39. “圣诞节聚会上,你会让其他人保持清醒吗?”
And, arguably the dumbest interview question of 2012:
"Are you willing to add some toxicity to your life?" Um, no.
Questions 10, 11, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, and 36 run afoul of federal laws. No. 3 might be out of bounds, depending on what the interviewer is looking for -- the date of birth on your driver's license, for instance. Questions 6, 12, 14, and 19 are off-limits only in places that have laws regarding discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation but, even so, they're dumb everywhere.
Talkback: What's the weirdest question you've ever been asked in a job interview? Leave a comment below.