Chinese students and parents are demanding an apology from US Vice-President Joe Biden for "insensitive" comments, weeks after he referred to China as the nation that cannot “think different” or “breathe free” during a commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania.
“I believe Biden should apologise over his inappropriate comments made at my commencement in the face of at least hundreds of Chinese people,” Zhang Tianpu, a graduating Wharton senior and Chinese citizen, told the South China Morning Post on Wednesday.
“It was a humiliating experience,” he said. “And how can a graduation speech be this political?”
Zhang and his peers have already drafted a letter to Biden demanding an official apology. The letter has 343 signatures as of Wednesday and will be sent to the university’s president before reaching Biden's desk. Requests for comment from Biden's office have not been returned.
Biden’s comments, which were called "inappropriate", hugely disappointed the Chinese in his audience. They were delivered in the middle of his May 13 speech, reported by the Guardian as “by far the funniest of the recent commencement addresses”.
拜登在5月13日的毕业典礼上的“不当言论” 让在场的中国听众非常失望。而正是这场演说,被英国《卫报》评为“目前为止近来最有趣的毕业典礼演说”。
But not everyone appreciated his jokes. Touching on the concern that “the Chinese are going to eat our lunch”, Biden assured his audience that they had nothing to fear.
“Their problems are immense, and they lack much of what we have,” he said, citing America’s universities, its “open and fair legal” system, vibrant venture capital markets and innovative minds.
“中国的问题很多,他们缺少我们所拥有的很多东西”,拜登引用美国的大学举例说,如“开放和公平” 的法律体系、充满活力的风险资本市场以及创新思维。
The key to all these, Biden argued, was the ability to “think different”, in a reference to Steve Jobs' slogan for Apple.
“You cannot think different in a nation where you cannot breathe free; you cannot think different in a nation where you aren’t able to challenge orthodoxy, because change only comes from challenging orthodoxy.”
To which Zhang argued: “Come on, my ancestors were challenging orthodoxy even before his ancestors got to America.”