Happiness, as the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it, is "a state of well-being and contentment." Sure, that's one way to put it. But what does it really mean to feel on top of the world or entirely at peace with oneself? Do you feel immersed in joy? On cloud nine?
幸福,正如《韦氏大字典》的定义:“一种健康满足的状态“ 。当然,这是表述幸福的一种方法 。但感觉到欣喜若狂或完全心如止水到底是什么意思?你觉得沉浸在快乐中吗?处在九霄云上呢?
We were curious about the deeper, more personal interpretations of the sensation we all know so well. So we asked our Facebook community to tell us how they explain the joyful feeling. See some of our favorite definitions below then let us know in the comments: How do you define happiness?
我们很好奇这种对我们都如此了解的感觉的更深层次、更个人的解读 。所以我们询问我们的Facebook社区告诉我们他们是如何解释愉悦的感觉 。下面能看到我们最喜欢的一些定义,然后在评论中让我们知道:你如何定义幸福?
"Being at peace with everything going on around you." -- Kimberly Clark
“对你周围进行的一切感到平静祥和 。”——Kimberly Clark
"Travel!" -- Verna Coomer Ott
“旅游!”——Verna Coomer Ott
"Peace, contentment and love from a job well done." -- Sally Duros
"The absence of want. I have everything I need and I do what I love." -- Bouaketh Chanthavisouk
“无所求 。我有我需要的一切,做我所喜欢的事情 。”——Bouaketh Chanthavisouk
"The moment when you don't miss anything." -- Andrea Szente
”你什么也不会错过的那一刻 。”——Andrea Szente
"Following your bliss." -- Kim Fox
“追随幸福 。”——Kim Fox
"Keepin' it real." -- Susanna Speier
“保持真实 。”——Susanna Speier
"Selflessness." -- David Bader
“无私 。”——David Bader
"Healthy body + peaceful mind = happiness." -- Sanam Nour
“健康的身体+幸福祥和的心境=幸福 。”——Sanam Nour
"When you're at peace with the world." -- Pedro E. Thormodsen
“当你与世界和平相处时 。”——Pedro E. Thormodsen
"When you don't know what you've done and still you feel delighted ... thats happiness to me." -- Nishant Sinha
“当你不知道你做了什么,你还是觉得高兴……那是于我的幸福 。”——Nishant Sinha
"Family." -- Phil Bundy
“家庭 。”——菲尔•邦迪
"The byproduct of living a good life." -- Erica Peterson
“过上美好生活的副产品 。”——Erica Peterson
"Inner confidence and peace." -- Lisa Simone
“内心的自信和平静 。”——丽莎•西蒙
"Slice of pie, and no one hassling me." -- Genevieve S. Jenner
"Knowing yourself." -- Dmitry Lambrianov
“了解自己 。”——Dmitry Lambrianov
"Music!" -- Caitlin Tremblay
“音乐!”" - Caitlin Tremblay
"Feeling my chest, my heart space expand with love and excitement for just being in that moment." -- Zen Sensor
“只是我在的那一刻感觉我的胸口、我的心因爱和兴奋在扩展 。”——Zen Sensor
"A stack of books." -- Mary Jane Butler
“一堆书 。”——Mary Jane Butler
"A smile from the inside out." -- Saundie Isaak
“发自内心的一个微笑 。”——Saundie Isaak
"Liking yourself and not having to explain why." -- Joanne Lawson
“喜欢自己,不用解释为什么 。”——乔安娜•劳森
"Knowing the difference between what I can and cannot do anything about, and between what is my business and what is not my business and what is not anybody else's business." -- Denise Helberg Snider
"Seeking and becoming my original self." -- Leo O'Mara
"Grace, strength, ease, freedom.” -- Ina Sahaja Yoga
“优雅、强壮、轻松、自由 。”——Ina Sahaja Yoga
"Peace...yes, inner peace. Not having any turmoil in my head." -- Martha Contreras
“平静……是的,内心的平静 。在我的脑海里没有任何混乱 。”——Martha Contreras
"A day off, with no hurried plans, and a slice of homemade strawberry rubarb pie, while reading a good book." -- Cynthia Amaro
“一天假,没有匆忙的计划,在读一本好书的时候有一片自制的草莓大黄茎塔 。”——Cynthia Amaro