日期:2015-06-29 16:50


A new tour from Adventure Life allows travelers to explore China on foot, by bicycle and via kayak. On the Great Wall, Dynasties and Rivers trip, guests will hike the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall and through villages in the rice terraces of Longsheng; bike through Beijing hutongs, along Xi’an’s ancient city wall and by the Li River; and kayak on the Yulong River. The itinerary includes the Forbidden City and Summer Palace in Beijing, the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Ping’an Village, inhabited by the Zhuang ethnic group.
根据冒险人生(Adventure Life)的一项新旅程安排,游客们可以通过步行、骑车和乘船来游览中国。在“长城、王朝与河流之旅”中,游客可以在金山岭长城徒步,穿越龙胜梯田附近的村庄;可以在北京的胡同里、西安古城墙下、漓江江畔骑行;还可以在遇龙河上泛舟。这条路线包括北京的故宫和颐和园,西安兵马俑和壮族聚居的平安村。
The 12-day trip departs monthly from Beijing and costs $3,785 a person, including internal transportation by air and bullet train.
