A new crude oil pipeline through Myanmar due to begin operations in September will put China in a favorable position compared to other Asian economic powerhouses challenged by energy security issues.
At a capacity of 440,000 barrels a day, the pipeline--running from Myanmar's coast at the Bay of Bengal to China's southern Yunnan region--will allow China to send less crude through the Strait of Malacca. The narrow waterway by Singapore, where the U.S. Navy has a strong presence, is considered a major threat to secure energy supplies by major Asian economies dependent on crude shipments from the Middle East and Africa.
China--helped by its own domestic oil production of just over 4 million barrels a day--last year relied on the narrow waters for around 37% of its total demand. That share will drop to about 30% once the Myanmar pipeline comes on stream.
In comparison, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan all rely on the Strait of Malacca for around 75% of their total oil consumption, in part due to their small domestic production.
The Myanmar pipeline, which will run parallel to a major natural gas pipeline, comes on top of a string of oil and gas import pipelines already completed or planned to supply China's less-developed inland regions.
In 2009, a new pipeline from Russia began pumping Siberian crude into northern China, and in March this year, the two countries agreed to double shipments to 620,000 barrels a day. They also agreed in principle on a new pipeline that will feed northeastern China with 38 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas a year starting in 2018.
Also in 2009, a pipeline began operations that stretches 4,000 kilometers across Central Asia and is capable of shipping 30 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Turkmenistan to western China. Oil imports from neighboring Kazakhstan began in 2005, and are set to double to 400,000 barrels a day when expansion at an existing pipeline is completed next year.
While the oil pipeline could reach full capacity soon after launch, the gas pipeline is not expected to be filled until Myanmar ramps up production from its offshore fields. Furthermore, the Wood Mackenzie energy consultancy estimates that CNPC is building the pipelines through Myanmar at a short-term loss, as it will buy gas at market price and sell it at subsidized prices at home.
虽然缅甸的石油管线可能在投入使用后不久达到满负荷运行,但天然气管线预计在缅甸加强其海上气田生产之前将无法发挥全部产能。此外,能源咨询机构Wood Mackenzie估计,中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)是以短期亏损为代价修建通过缅甸的管线,因该公司将以市场价购买天然气,然后在国内以补贴价出售。
'The Chinese are willing and capable of taking a long-term view,' said Wood Mackenzie analyst Craig McMahon.
Wood Mackenzie分析师麦克马洪(Craig McMahon)说,中国人愿意从长远角度看问题,也有能力这样做。