IPAD, considered by many parents as a good pre-education tool for their children, needs to be re-examined after a local expert warned about its social and development consequences.
在当地一位专家警告其社会发展后果之后,被许多父母认为是孩子学前教育好工具的IPAD需要重新检验 。
About 80 percent of children are obsessed with iPads - playing games on them, surfing the Internet and even shopping on China's biggest e-commerce website taobao.com, according to Cao Jin, a professor with the Journalism School at Shanghai's Fudan University.
大约80%的孩子痴迷于ipad——他们玩游戏,上网,甚至在中国最大的电子商务网站淘宝上购物,据上海复旦大学新闻学院的曹晋教授说 。
"iPad has become the most wanted gift on a child's birthday and a yardstick for children to measure if their "parents love them," Cao said.
“iPad已经成为孩子最希望得到的生日礼物,一把衡量“父母是否爱他们”的标尺,曹教授说 。
Cao interviewed 100 children and their parents at two local kindergartens in Yangpu District. The survey found 42.6 percent of parents bought the iPads for themselves. Half of them bought it for use for themselves and their children.
曹教授采访了杨浦区两个本地幼儿园的100名儿童以及他们的父母 。调查发现42.6%的父母是为自己买的ipad 。其中一半的人买了它是为自己和孩子使用 。
Only 7.2 percent of parents bought the iPads strictly for their children.
只有7.2%的家长是严格为他们的孩子买了ipad 。
Among parents who bought iPads for themselves, 72.8 percent of them wanted to catch up with the latest fashion and had a strong interest in the latest technology.
在为自己购买ipad的父母中,72.8%的人想跟上最新的时尚,且对最新科技有强烈的兴趣 。
Those who bought it for their children, however, see iPads as an early education tool with many learning applications and puzzle games that supposedly help children to enrich their knowledge, develop innovation and intelligence while adding fun to their lives as well, the survey showed.
然而,那些为孩子买它的人是将ipad作为早期教育工具,因为上面有许多学习应用软件和益智游戏,应该能帮助孩子丰富知识,培养创新能力和开发智力,也为他们的生活增添乐趣,调查显示 。
"More than half of the parents think iPad has a bigger positive impact on children, rather than the negative side, like it could result in shortsightedness or the children could get addicted to video games," Cao said.
“超过半数的家长认为iPad对孩子的积极影响更大,而非消极的一面,就像它可能会导致近视或儿童会沉迷于视频游戏,”曹教授说 。
Cao said a worrying situation was that children did not want to give up the iPads easily.
曹教授说一个令人担忧的情况是孩子们不愿意轻易放弃ipad 。
"Not only adults but also young children are taking iPad, a metal-coated machine as their closest friend. They cannot sleep without it," said Cao.
“不仅成年人还有年幼的孩子都把iPad,一个金属包裹的机器,作为他们最亲密的朋友 。没有它他们睡不着,”曹说 。
During the survey, Cao also found that families have become quieter. "Dad was playing computer games; mom was watching American soap drama while the kid was sliding his or her fingers on the screen. No one talks to others anymore," Cao said.
在调查中,曹教授还发现家庭变得更安静 。“爸爸在玩电脑游戏,妈妈在看美剧,而孩子在屏幕上滑动他(她)的手指 。再没有人与其他人说话了,”曹说 。
Cao said iPad intruded into the family life without a war while an intangible wall was being built silently between the kids and their parents.
曹教授说iPad没有硝烟地入侵了家庭生活,一座无形的墙默默地在父母和孩子之间建立起来 。
"Preschoolers showed great interest in iPad or similar products. From my survey, more than 90 percent of children said they liked iPad," Cao said.
“学龄前儿童对iPad或类似产品表现出了极大的兴趣 。从我的调查中,超过90%的儿童称他们喜欢iPad,”曹说 。
Reacted emotionally
iPad has become the new babysitter after TV but the attachment to it may not be healthy for a child's growth. The survey showed nearly 80 percent of children reacted emotionally after their iPads were taken away by their parents.
iPad已经成为继电视之后的新保姆,但对它的依附可能对孩子的健康成长不利 。调查显示,近80%的儿童当他们的ipad被父母拿走之后会有情绪反应 。
Parent's supervision did not work all the time as children had learnt to bargain for more time to play. The survey found a third of the children used iPad between 30 minutes to an hour and 64.4 percent played for 10 to 30 minutes. Two six-year-old girls had even learnt to shop on taobao.com, while another four-year-old used iPad to watch animation, play Fruit Ninja or download other games.
父母的监督一直没有效果,因为孩子已经学会了讨价还价争取更多时间来玩 。调查发现三分之一的孩子使用iPad在30分钟到一个小时之内,64.4%的孩子玩10到30分钟 。两个6岁的女孩甚至学会了在淘宝上购物,而另一个4岁的孩子用iPad来看动画、玩水果忍者或下载其他游戏 。