CHINA'S e-commerce economy will grow nearly six times by 2020 as more retailers and vendors tap online shopping to lure consumers.
随着越来越多的零售商和供应商利用网上购物来吸引消费者,到2020年中国的电子商务经济将增长近6倍 。
The e-commerce economy - including online transactions and the e-commerce related service industry and information technology infrastructure - will reach 43.8 trillion yuan (US$7.1 trillion), with the majority made up of enterprise transactions of 33 trillion yuan.
电子商务经济——包括网上交易和电子商务相关的服务产业和信息技术基础设施——将达到43.8万亿元人民币(合7.1万亿美元),大部分由企业交易的33万亿元构成 。
The value of online retail sales, from individual and enterprise sellers, may reach a combined 10 trillion yuan by 2020, Alibaba Group Research Center said in a report yesterday.
在线零售销售的价值,从个人和企业卖家,到 2020年可能达到10万亿元人民币,阿里巴巴集团研究中心昨天在一份报告中说 。
Though e-commerce retail only accounted for 6 percent of China's overall economy in 2012, the figure is seen to reach 16 percent by 2020 due to its huge growth potential as vendors move to the virtual world to lure shoppers, the report said.
虽然电子商务零售业在2012年仅占中国总经济量的6%,到2020年这个数字被认为将达到16%,由于其巨大的增长潜力,随着供应商转移到虚拟世界来吸引购物者,报告说 。
Last year, Alibaba Group's retail arm Taobao and Tmall recorded more than 1 trillion yuan of sales, 10 times their transaction size in 2008.
去年,阿里巴巴集团旗下的零售部门淘宝网和天猫商城创下超过1万亿元的销售纪录,是2008年交易规模的十倍 。
China is set to become the world's largest online market whose size may exceed US$420 billion and rise to US$650 billion annually by 2020, McKinsey&Co said in a report in March this year.
中国将成为世界最大的在线市场,规模可能超过4200亿美元,到2020年每年增至6500亿美元,麦肯锡咨询公司今年3月在一份报告中表示 。
China is home to the world's largest Internet user base of over 560 million and a younger generation of consumers who shop by clicking their mouse.
中国是拥有超过5.6亿人的世界上最大的互联网用户群,以及通过点击鼠标来购物的年轻一代 。