An adult cicada ovipositing into an apple twig is shown in this undated handout photo by Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这张未注明拍摄日期的照片是一只成年17年蝉正在一株苹果树上产卵,这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released these photoes to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released these photoes to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released these photoes to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released these photoes to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released these photoes to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station released these photoes to Reuters on May 2, 2013. This year heralds the springtime emergence of billions of so-called 17-year periodical cicadas, with their distinctive black bodies, buggy red eyes, and orange-veined wings, along a roughly 900-mile stretch from northern Georgia to upstate New York.
这批照片由康涅狄格州农业实验站2013年5月2日传递给路透社整理发表的 。今年被预测是数以亿只的17年蝉即将苏醒破土而出的时期,他们将身着与众不同的黑色体表,越野车车灯一样亮红的眼睛,和那裸露着橙色脉络的双翅,顺着佐治亚州北部至纽约大约900英里的路程展翅飞翔 。(可可英语.Shaun)