'Iron Man 3' got off to a full-throttled start internationally this weekend, as it opened in most countries outside the U.S. and grossed $195.3 million through Sunday, according to an estimate from Walt Disney Co.'s DIS +1.83%studio division.
上周末《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)开始在国际院线全面公映,这是该片在美国以外的大多数国家首映。据华特-迪士尼(Walt Disney Co.)旗下的影片工作室估计,截至周日该片已经获得了1.953亿美元的票房。
That is slightly bigger than the international debut of last year's 'The Avengers,' which was launched simultaneously in the same countries save one─Japan's opening was slightly later. 'Iron Man 3' has yet to open in Germany.
这一成绩略好于去年上映的《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)的国际首映票房成绩。《复仇者联盟》去年也在除日本外的相同国家同时上映,而日本的首映日期被稍稍推后。《钢铁侠3》尚未在德国上映。
'Avengers,' also from Disney's Marvel Studios unit, went on to gross $1.5 billion world-wide.
同样由迪士尼旗下的漫威影业(Marvel Studios)发行的《复仇者联盟》在全球范围内揽获了15亿美元的票房。
Along with Germany, 'Iron Man 3' will open in China and Russia later this week. This past weekend it performed best in the U.K., followed by South Korea, Australia, Mexico and France.
The third in Marvel's series of films starring Robert Downey Jr. as a metal-clad, wisecracking super-hero starts playing Thursday night in the U.S. and Canada, where it is projected to have a huge opening of well over $100 million.
这是漫威影业发行的系列影片中的第三部,由小罗伯特•唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)主演。他在片中饰演一个身披金属盔甲且爱说俏皮话的超级英雄。该片将于周四晚上在美国和加拿大首映。预计该片在美加两国的首映票房能远超1亿美元。
It has become increasingly common for big-budget Hollywood films to open overseas before they do so domestically, as studios prioritize release dates for the more lucrative international market over the comparatively smaller American one.
Disney distribution chief Dave Hollis said he wanted to open 'Iron Man 3' before the coming May Day holiday on May 1, when many foreign workers and schoolchildren have off.
迪士尼公司负责影院销售的执行副总裁霍利斯(Dave Hollis)说,他想在5月1日的劳动节假期来临前上映《钢铁侠3》。当天美国的很多外籍工人和学生都会放假。
Disney followed a similar strategy last year for 'The Avengers,' which also opened overseas in late April and domestically in early May.
Stateside this weekend, 'Transformers' director Michael Bay's low-budget action-comedy 'Pain and Gain,' starring Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson, opened at No. 1 with an estimated $20 million.
《变形金刚》(Transformer)的导演迈克尔•贝(Michael Bay)执导的低成本动作喜剧《健男抢钱团》(Pain and Gain)成为上周末美国国内票房榜冠军,其票房收入估计为2,000万美元。该片由马克•瓦尔贝里(Mark Wahlberg)和德韦恩•约翰逊(Dwayne Johnson)主演。
The movie was released by Viacom Inc.'s VIAB +0.05%Paramount Pictures.
该片由维亚康姆(Viacom Inc.)旗下派拉蒙影业(Paramount Pictures)发行。