Among Jay-Z’s thesaurus of boasts in his rap songs is a rich index of sports comparisons. He is the “Mike Jordan of rap” with a “serve like Sampras”. He can “shoot faster than Kobe” (that’s basketball ace Kobe Bryant) as well as “bob and weave, move my feet from side to side” like Muhammad Ali. He has “more belts than [Michael] Phelps” – title belts, that is, though presumably not from the butterfly stroke. “I never learnt to swim,” the rapper revealed in his 1999 gangster anthem “So Ghetto”.
Jay-Z的说唱歌曲是一部“吹牛宝典”,涉及体育的比喻多种多样。他是“说唱界的迈克尔•乔丹(Michael Jordan)”,他“发球像桑普拉斯(Sampras)”。他“投篮比科比还猛”——说的是篮球明星科比•布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant),他像穆罕默德•阿里(Muhammad Ali)一样“左挡右闪,脚步腾挪”。他的“绶带比(迈克尔)菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)还多”——这里是说冠军绶带,不过恐怕不是蝶泳冠军。Jay-Z在1999年的匪帮歌曲《So Ghetto》中唱道:“我从没学过游泳。”
Compulsively entrepreneurial, Jay-Z has transformed his love of sport into a business. This week his entertainment company Roc Nation revealed that it was branching into sports management. Its first client is New York Yankees baseball star Robinson Canó, whose contract is up for renewal at the end of this season.
创业成瘾的Jay-Z将对体育的热爱投入到经商当中。4月初,他的娱乐公司Roc Nation宣布将涉足体育管理领域。第一位客户是纽约洋基队(New York Yankees)棒球明星罗宾逊•卡诺(Robinson Canó),后者目前的合同将在本赛季末到期。
Jay-Z, who grew up playing Little League baseball in Brooklyn, is a huge Yankees fan. But the venture is based on profit not sentiment. It will be Roc Nation Sports’ job to negotiate a whopping new deal for Canó. A 10-year, $254m contract signed in 2011 by Albert Pujols, a rival star, is the benchmark.
Jay-Z少年时期在纽约布鲁克林区打过少年棒球联盟(Little League baseball),他是洋基队的铁杆球迷。但做生意看重的不是感情,而是盈利。Roc Nation Sports将负责为卡诺谈判一纸待遇丰厚的新约。另一位棒球明星阿尔伯特•普霍尔斯(Albert Pujols)2011年签下的10年2.54亿美元合同可作为参考。
Such are the sort of sums the rapper deals in nowadays (“I’m all about the dollar bills that I make,” he once rapped). When he set up Roc Nation with the concert promoter Live Nation in 2008 he got $150m, including a $10m-per-album deal for himself. That too has entered his armoury of boasts. “I ran through that buck-50 Live Nation fronted me,” he bragged in a rap track last year. Translation: he spent it all.
当今说唱歌手的合同价值大约也在这个数目。(他曾唱道:“赚美钞就是我的全部。”)2008年Jay-Z与演唱会经纪公司Live Nation联合成立Roc Nation时,他进账1.5亿美元,其中包括一份每张专辑1000万美元的合同。这也成为他“吹嘘”的资本。他在去年的一支说唱歌曲中唱道:“我挥霍掉Live Nation付给我的50美元大钞。”言下之意是:他把这笔钱花光了。
Wild feats of profligacy are a crucial hip-hop pastime, one that Jay-Z performs with élan: he and his wife, the singer Beyoncé, reportedly lavished $200,000 on their daughter Blue Ivy’s recent first birthday party. But appearances are deceptive. Accumulating money fascinates the self-described “black Warren Buffett” far more than spending it.
恣意挥霍是嘻哈人士重要的消遣方式,Jay-Z更是发挥得淋漓尽致:据报道,他与同样身为歌手的妻子碧昂斯(Beyoncé)为女儿布鲁•艾薇(Blue Ivy)的一岁生日豪掷20万美元。但表象是有欺骗性的。对于自诩为“黑人巴菲特”(black Warren Buffett)的Jay-Z来说,赚钱远比花钱有趣。
The rapper, real name Shawn Carter, is the archetypal American rags-to-riches story. His unremorseful passage from Brooklyn crack cocaine dealer to corporate mogul might lack the pious trajectory of Andrew Carnegie’s escape from a dismal Scottish upbringing or Sam Walton’s journey from Dust Bowl poverty to Walmart plenty. But the affinity remains. That’s why he named his first record label Roc-A-Fella, after the great New York industrialist – and son of a lowly travelling salesman – John D. Rockefeller.
真名肖恩•卡特(Shawn Carter)的Jay-Z是美国人白手起家取得成功的典型。他从布鲁克林的霹雳可卡因贩子一路成长为企业大亨,比起安德鲁•卡耐基(Andrew Carnegie)走出苏格兰的艰苦童年、后来功成名就的故事,或者山姆•沃尔顿(Sam Walton)出身美国沙尘暴时期(Dust Bowl)的贫寒家庭、但最后缔造沃尔玛(Walmart)的历程,Jay-Z的这段人生轨迹缺少一种神奇色彩。但他们的经历仍有相似之处,也正因此,他将自己首家唱片公司命名为Roc-A-Fella,这个名字源于纽约伟大的工业家、一位卑微的旅行推销员之子——约翰•D•洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller)。
One of his most quoted aphorisms is: “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” But what sort of business is Jay-Z Inc?
The rapper sees himself as an insurgent, the black rebel capitalist “getting money up under you” – “you” being the white establishment. Key to his self-conception is the notion of the “hustler”. With a long tradition in African-American street lore, the hustler is the black urban equivalent of the cowboy, a solitary adventurer living by his wits in an OK Corral of NYPD squad cars, boom-bam beats, housing projects and gun-slinging rivals.
Jay-Z自视为反叛者,一位“在你们底下赚钱”的叛逆黑人资本家——“你们”指的是传统白人阶层。他的自我认知以“贩子”(hustler)为核心(hustler具体是指卖力地、往往用欺骗手段兜售商品的人——译注)。贩子在非裔美国人的街头文化中有着悠久的历史,是城市黑人版的美国牛仔,是独自闯荡的冒险家,依靠自己的智慧,在这个由纽约警车、说唱音乐、保障住房和持枪竞争对手组成的OK围栏(OK Corral,一场西部著名枪战的发生地)一样的环境中生存。
In his memoir Decoded he describes the hustler’s dream as “independence, wealth, and success outside of the mainstream’s rules”. A lot of vanity lies in his self-depiction as the hustler supreme, the smooth talker who hustled his way into Manhattan boardrooms. Friendship with Barack Obama hardly constitutes living “outside of the mainstream’s rules” either. But there is a degree of truth in the self-portrait.
在自传《解码》(Decoded)中,Jay-Z将贩子的梦想描述为“游离于主流规则之外的独立、财富、成功”。他自许为能说会道、一路兜售到曼哈顿公司董事会议室的贩子高手,但这多半是虚荣使然。同样,与巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的友谊也很难作为“游离于主流规则之外”的印证。但他的自述仍有一定的真实性。
The best hustlers (like the best sports players) rely on smoke-and-mirrors – gulling victims, outwitting opponents, staying one step ahead of the rest. As Jay-Z says in Decoded, “every hustler knows the value of a feint”. The same goes in rap. “So many people,” he writes, “can’t see that every great rapper is not just a documentarian, but a trickster.”
His music career is full of feints, such as his periodic claims to be retiring from the studio. Hits such as 2009’s “Empire State of Mind”, a modern standard, disguise the fact that his recent solo albums have been ordinary. Charisma and “uncontrollable hustler’s ambition”, in his words, ensure a golden glow of success suffuses all Jay-Z touches.
他的音乐生涯中就充满这种声东击西的把戏,比如他时常声称准备退出乐坛。现代说唱音乐典范《Empire State of Mind》(2009年)等作品掩盖了他近来个人专辑水准平平的事实。个人魅力和“贩子难以抑制的野心”(Jay-Z的原话),令经他之手的事物统统罩上成功的光环。
But look beyond the feints and tricks, and the Midas touch flickers. His three-year spell in the mid-2000s as president of Def Jam Recordings was mixed, with the emergence of two superstars in Rihanna and Kanye West, but also a number of flops. In 2007, the $204m sale of the clothing range he co-founded, Rocawear, propelled him up pop’s rich lists, which advertise him as being worth up to $500m. However, Rocawear, with which Jay-Z continues to be involved, has not thrived. Last year it laid off half its employees.
但抛开虚招和花样不看,Jay-Z“点石成金”的本事有时候似乎不灵了。2005年前后,他在街头教父唱片公司(Def Jam Recordings)担任了3年的总裁,业绩喜忧参半——公司发掘出了蕾哈娜(Rihanna)和坎耶•维斯特(Kanye West)等超级巨星,但也不乏失败的例子。他与别人合伙成立的服装品牌Rocawear在2007年创下2.04亿美元的销售额,使他以超过5亿美元的身家跻身流行歌手富豪榜。然而,仍然有Jay-Z参与的Rocawear却没能再接再厉。去年,它裁掉了一半员工。
His vaunted co-ownership of the basketball team the Brooklyn Nets turns out to comprise an initial stake of $1m, a tiny fraction of the team’s worth. His publicised investment in the Barclays Centre, a new arena venue where the Nets play, amounts to about 0.2 per cent of the $1bn building. The real money comes from Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, who paid $200m for the Nets and has a 45 per cent stake in the new arena.
Jay-Z夸耀自己是布鲁克林篮网队(Brooklyn Nets)的共同所有人,但人们后来发现他的首次入股只有100万美元,仅占球队身价的极小一部分。他公开宣称自己参与投资篮网队新主场巴克莱中心(Barclays Centre),但他的投资仅占这座价值10亿美元球馆的0.2%左右。真正投入重金的是俄罗斯寡头米哈伊尔•普罗霍罗夫(Mikhail Prokhorov),他掏出2亿美元注资篮网队,新球场也有他45%的股份。
Jay-Z’s habit of teaming up with bigger partners extends to the new sports management agency, which has been formed with management behemoth Creative Artists Agency. Jay-Z’s participation has caused a blaze of publicity, but it is unclear precisely how much involvement he will have. More tricks, more feints?
Jay-Z习惯与实力更强的伙伴合作,他新成立的体育管理经纪公司也不例外——它是Jay-Z与业内巨头创新艺人经纪公司(Creative Artists Agency,CAA)联合成立的。Jay-Z的参与引发了一阵轰动,但他的参与程度仍是个谜。或许这又是他的花样和虚招?
The rapper has his critics. Chuck D, leader of Public Enemy, from an earlier, more radical generation of New York rappers, implied to the Financial Times last year that Jay-Z may be little more than a frontman. “I would say there are people behind him who have invested in him heavily,” the veteran firebrand said.
Jay-Z不乏批评者。Public Enemy组合的队长Chuck D属于思想更为激进的上一代纽约说唱歌手,他去年曾对英国《金融时报》暗示,Jay-Z不过是个台前人物。“我敢说幕后有人给他投了很多钱,”这位性情好斗的说唱老将表示。
But Jay-Z should be seen as part of a subterranean but vigorous tradition of black capitalism; the efforts of individuals, in the face of entrenched hostility, to advance Booker T. Washington’s belief that: “At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be, for our race, economic independence.”
但Jay-Z仍应被视为“黑人资本主义”传统的代表,这一传统尽管处于地下,却充满生命力;在他的身上,我们看到了个人在根深蒂固的敌意面前如何践行着布克•T•华盛顿(Booker T. Washington)的信念:“在教育的底层,在政治的底层,甚至是在宗教的底层,我们的种族必须获得经济独立。”
Or, as Jay-Z raps: “Hustle hard in any hustle that you pitch.”