Planned turnover of chief executives at the world’s biggest companies has reached its highest level this century, as they respond to pressure from shareholders to behave professionally when it comes to filling the top jobs.
Among the world’s 2,500 largest groups by market value, 270 replaced their chief executive in 2012 as a result of succession planning, according to research by Booz and Company.
博斯公司(Booz and Company)的研究表明,2012年世界上市值最高的2500家集团中,有270家按照继任计划更换了首席执行官。
This organised turnover contributed to an overall total of 375 changes of chief executive in the year, the second highest since the study began in 2000, behind only the result in 2005.
The move towards more succession planning also appears to have favoured the chances of external over internal candidates. Three in 10 new chief executives appointed in 2012 were outsiders, against two in 10 over the previous three years, the consultancy said.
In July Marissa Mayer, a long-serving Google executive, became Yahoo’s boss, as the struggling web portal managed a smooth transition at the top after a series of boardroom mishaps.
去年7月,在谷歌(Google)服务多年的主管梅里莎•梅尔(Marissa Mayer)成了雅虎(Yahoo)的老板,当时这家挣扎中的门户网站在董事会发生一系列失误后,顺利完成了权力交接。
In August Pascal Soriot, vet-turned-Roche executive, was named the new boss at AstraZeneca, even though the pharmaceutical group had an obvious internal candidate in Simon Louth, chief financial officer and interim chief executive.
去年8月份,兽医出身的罗氏(Roche)高管帕斯卡尔•索略特(Pascal Soriot)被任命为阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的新任首席执行官,尽管这家制药集团拥有一位明显的内部候选人——首席财务官及代理CEO西蒙•劳斯(Simon Louth)。
And in December, Jean-Bernard Lévy was appointed chief executive of Thales, Europe’s biggest defence electronics manufacturer by sales, only six months after leaving the same role at French media group Vivendi.
而去年12月份,让-贝尔纳•莱维(Jean-Bernard Lévy)从法国媒体集团威望迪(Vivendi)卸任CEO 6个月后,被欧洲销售额最高的军用电子系统制造商泰雷兹集团(Thales)任命为CEO。
Per-Ola Karlsson, Booz senior partner and co-author of the study, suggested that outside contenders often benefited as companies adopted a more structured approach to appointments. “Diligence from boards means that they will always look at outside candidates even if there is a strong internal pool of contenders, driving greater opportunities for outsiders.”
博斯公司高级合伙人、该研究报告的共同作者佩尔-奥拉•卡尔松(Per-Ola Karlsson)提出,若企业的任命过程更加结构化,外部竞争者往往会受益。“董事会的尽职调查意味着,就算公司内部有一大把实力雄厚的竞争者,董事会也始终会关注公司外部的候选人,这令外部人士中选的机遇加大。”
The last time there was a changing of the guard at the world’s 2,500 largest companies on a scale similar to last year’s, it was well before the financial crisis and the total was boosted by a contribution from M and A well above the 36 transaction-related changes of 2012 – the lowest number for almost a decade.
But last year it was the rise in succession planning that led to the second-highest level of turnover since the start of the century, when Booz and Company began tracking chief executive moves in this way.
Gary Neilson, a Booz senior partner and one of the report’s authors, identified two key factors behind the shift towards planning.
博斯公司高级合伙人、该报告作者之一加里•尼尔森(Gary Neilson)发现,企业转向继任规划的背后有两个关键因素。
The first was that shareholders expected the companies to be more organised in succession planning and that they also faced demands from the community at large to be accountable.
“The demand for more accountability is encouraging boards to take on this responsibility for the chief executive, rather than just backing a chief executive until he hits a wall,” Mr Neilson said.
The second was that as companies came through the worst of the economic downturn, they felt secure enough to move decisively to put the next generation of leaders in place, instead of postponing action.
The study also revealed a significant preference for financial services executives. Booz said that the greater success of outsiders pointed to companies’ feeling confident enough to take “a bit of a risk on an unknown leader”.
That risk is often mitigated by a decision to appoint from within the same sector. This was most marked in financial services, where more than four in five were from within the sector, but was also marked in IT, where more than three in five came from the same sector. By contrast, seven in 10 new appointments at utilities were from outside the sector.
Financial services was the only sector to supply new chief executives to all other industries, providing one-third of incoming CEOs for industrial companies.
Booz said that one factor behind the rise in popularity of financial services executives was simply their presence in such a large and important sector.
Financial services accounted for one-fifth of the 2,500 largest companies, making it the most heavily-represented sector, ahead of industrials at 357.
What makes the level of chief executive turnover of all kinds last year so striking is that the only year which in which it was higher – 2005 – came after some years of low turnover rates during the downturn of the early 2000s, suggesting a pent-up need for change at the top that does not seem to have been such a feature this time.
And the rate of change could rise even higher in the next couple of years, Booz said, if the improved corporate governance practices and answerability to shareholders that has fuelled the increase in 2012 is accompanied by an uptick in M and A activity.