It probably doesn't come as a shock, but women are more likely than men to be super tired.
这可能不会让人感到震惊,但是女性比男性更有可能超级疲劳 。
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey released on April 12th indicated that 15 percent of women compared to 10 percent men reported feeling "very tired or exhausted." And that gap widens when you look at men and women between the ages of 18 and 44 (only 9 percent of men vs. 16 percent of women).
疾病控制和预防中心4月12日公布的调查显示,相比于10%的男性,有15%的女性表示觉得“很累或筋疲力尽 。” 当你看到年龄在18岁到44岁之间的男人和女人时,差距越来越大,(男性只有9%,而女性16%) 。
Here are seven (not totally scientific) reasons we think this may be the case:
1. You might be doubling up on the work you do. Although we've made strides toward a more equitable division of labor, women still tend to do more hours of housework and child-rearing than men do. So women who work outside of the house as well essentially have two jobs.
1.你可能会使自己的工作翻倍 。虽然朝着更加公平的分工目标我们已经取得了长足的进步,但相比男人,女性仍然倾向于花更多时间打理家务和抚养子女 。所以外出工作的女性基本上有两份工作 。
2. You have too many weeknight plans. We often expend all of our energy trying to meet every social obligation. It's probably time to stop doing that.
2.你有太多工作日计划 。我们经常花费我们所有的精力试图满足每项社会义务 。也许是时候该停止这样做了 。
3. You're probably chronically stressed out. There's nothing like a stress-filled week to seriously deplete all of your energy.
3.你可能长期紧张 。没有什么能像压力重重的一周那样严重耗尽你的所有能量 。
4. Babies! According to NPR, 25 is still the average age of first birth. This might contribute to the larger exhaustion gap we see between men and women in the 18-44 range. Raising small children is pretty damn exhausting.
4.婴儿!据NPR报道25岁仍然是生第一胎的平均年龄 。这可能导致我们看到18 至44岁之间的男性和女性更大的疲劳差距 。养育婴儿是相当累人的 。
5. You can't shut off your thoughts. Women may have a harder time letting go of things that happened during that day when it's time to go to sleep.
5.你不会停止思考 。睡觉时女性可能更难放开那天发生的事情 。
6. You might be dealing with greater financial burdens than the dudes around you. Seeing as almost all women in the U.S. are working in jobs which typically pay men more, it wouldn't be surprising if some women feel dead on their feet from trying to make ends meet.
6.你可能要处理比你身边的帅哥更大的财务负担 。因为几乎所有的美国女性都在那些通常支付男人更多的工作上就业,如果有些女性因努力使收支平衡而精疲力竭时不要吃惊 。
7. If you're depressed, that can impact your sleep. Women are more likely than men to suffer from depression and depressed people are four times as likely to be tired.
7.如果你情绪低落,那会影响你的睡眠 。女性相比男性更有可能患抑郁症,抑郁的人累的可能性是四倍 。