Chen Defang, president of a Chinese firm at the center of a politically charged dispute over a copper mine in newly democratic Myanmar, has been treading in unfamiliar territory for the past few months.
He used to keep the kind of low public profile you might expect from the head of a company owned by a Chinese arms manufacturer and whose partner in Myanmar is owned by the military there. Wanbao Mining Ltd. relied on Myanmar's generals rather than community relations to get the land and permits needed for the Letpadaung copper mine near Monywa in northwestern Myanmar.
他过去在公开场合一直保持低调,这或许是意料之中的,因为他所在的公司隶属于一家中国武器制造商,而且公司在缅甸的合作伙伴是由缅甸军方所有。万宝矿产有限公司(Wanbao Mining Ltd.)依靠缅甸高层将领而不是社会关系取得了Letpadaung铜矿所需的土地和许可。这座铜矿位于缅甸西北部地区的蒙育瓦附近。
But since protests from local villagers halted construction at the mine in November, Mr. Chen has had to launch a public-relations and lobbying offensive to deal with Myanmar's dramatically altered political climate.
In an interview last week with The Wall Street Journal─his first with Western media─Mr. Chen was enthusiastic about his meeting this month for the first time with Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's opposition leader and spending several days touring villages near the mine to discuss local people's demands.
陈德芳上周接受了《华尔街日报》的采访,这是他首次接受西方媒体的采访。他热情洋溢地谈到了本月与缅甸反对党领袖昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)的首次会面,谈到对铜矿附近几个村子进行的数日考察,探讨当地村民的要求。
'The mistake we made is we didn't consult the people enough; local people weren't involved in our development plan,' he said.
'She's an amazing lady,' said Mr. Chen, who hadn't met Ms. Suu Kyi before.
He went on to give details of how Wanbao─based on Ms. Suu Kyi's suggestions─had increased compensation to local residents for land around the mine and was drawing up plans to build libraries and other local infrastructure, as well as to boost local employment by helping small and medium-size enterprises.
'My strategy is to kill the 'resource curse,'' he said, adding that he hoped to resume construction within three months. 'Sooner or later they will say: 'Thank you, Mr. Chen.''
Whether Wanbao will deliver on such promises, and whether its opponents will be grateful, remains to be seen. Critics say Chinese companies have little experience in democratic consultation because of their own country's authoritarian political system.
'They are still acting like a bossy partner: These suggestions are just cosmetic,' said Win Myo Thu, managing director at Ecodev, a nongovernmental group that studies the environmental impact of large industrial projects in Myanmar, including the mine. He said it was 'ridiculous' to aim to complete the consultation in just three months.
非政府组织Ecodev董事总经理Win Myo Thu说,他们的行为举止仍像个跋扈的合作伙伴:这些意见只是为了粉饰太平。该组织研究缅甸大型工业项目对环境的影响,包括上述铜矿项目。他说,力争在短短三个月内征求完意见太“荒唐”了。
Still, that Wanbao is even talking in such terms─Mr. Chen spoke of 'empowering' locals by providing education and employment─reflects the impact of Myanmar's democratic transition on its once cozy, but highly opaque, relations with China.
It also hints at the broader pressures facing Chinese companies in the developing world, where they have often been accused of fostering corruption, damaging the environment and neglecting local people's interests in a scramble to secure supplies of industrial raw materials.
Wanbao is at the forefront of that quest. A unit of China North Industries Corp., Wanbao says it controls more than $10 billion worth of mineral resources., including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
万宝矿产处于风口浪尖上。该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(China North Industries Corp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。
When Wanbao sealed the Myanmar mine deal in 2010, after three years of talks, the country was ruled by a military junta close to China. there was no public scrutiny of the agreement with the military-owned Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings, or UMEHL.
2010年万宝矿产在经过了三年的谈判后达成了缅甸铜矿协议,当时缅甸是在一个与中国关系密切的军政府的统治下。那个时候,万宝矿产与隶属于缅甸军方的缅甸联邦经济控股有限公司(Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings)之间的协议,并没有让公众进行审查。
Mr. Chen said Wanbao agreed to invest $1 billion in the new mine at Letpadaung, plus $500 million in two existing mines nearby. UMEHL would provide a 25-year license and take 51% of profits, with the rest going to the Chinese.
n order to obtain the 7,800 acres (3,160 hectares) needed for the new mine, Wanbao offered locals $600 an acre, he said.But in Wanbao's plans were thrown into turmoil in November construction was halted by local protests over low land compensation and the project's environment impact.
A government panel led by Ms. Suu Kyi said this month the project should go ahead as it benefitted the economy. It said the owners should correct mistakes and urged measures, such as periodic environmental monitoring, better land compensation and more involvement of small and medium-size enterprises.
Mr. Chen said Wanbao would comply with those recommendations, but he gave details of only some measures, saying others were still being worked out.Asked whether he agreed with the report's findings, he said: 'My concern is not whether I agree with everything or not.…I didn't really research or study the details of everything. I focused on their instructions for what we do in the future.'He declined, however, to blame UMEHL or local authorities for their handling of opposition to the mine. The commission's report concluded that police had used incendiary devices containing phosphorus to break up protests over the mineMr. Chen said he thought that part of UMEHL was owned by Myanmar's ministry of defense, but he didn't know its exact ownership structure. 'Why should we be concerned who owns their shares?' he asked. 'We didn't focus on that.'
He said his company had already started paying higher compensation of $700-$1,200 an acre, depending on what the owners had been using the land for, and it had drawn up new plans to build local infrastructure, including a library in each of the 30 affected villages.
He said the company hadn't increased the number of local people it planned to employ at the project, which currently has 2,400 staff, including 200 foreigners. But he said Wanbao had committed to invest $1 million annually in small and medium-size enterprises, such as brick factories, to boost local employment.
He also said the company had established a new 'community and social development' department and was in talks about setting up local joint ventures to manufacture machinery for the mine, most of which currently has to be imported.
'Our company has nothing to do with what happened. I was really upset with what happened,' Mr. Chen said when asked about the use of phosphorus. But asked whether Wanbao had expressed its dissatisfaction to UMEHL or Myanmar authorities, he said: 'I can't tell them what they should do and not do.'
He also brushed off concerns raised by many of the project's opponents that it channels revenues to current and retired military officers with interests in UMEHL.