Playful Gumdrop Bins Help Reduce Sticky Gum Litter And Give It A Second Life
Most people have a love-hate relationship with gum. For delicious as it is, the sticky tasteless waste that remains is not just annoying especially when inadvertently stepped upon, but also, harmful to the environment. That's because the primary ingredient in most modern chewing gums is synthetic rubber which is not biodegradable. With an estimated 560,000 tons of gum being chewed each year, this adds a lot of unwanted polymer to our already overwhelmed landfills. Now thanks to Gumdrop Ltd., there may be a solution to this sticky problem.
。虽然口香糖嚼起来很棒,嚼剩下的渣却令人生厌,特别是当你无意间踩上的时候 。不仅如此,口香糖渣还有害环境,这是因为现在口香糖的主要原料是不可降解的合成胶 。据估计,人们一年大概消耗56万吨口香糖,给本就难以处理的垃圾填埋工程添加了不少压力 。现在Gumdrop有限公司似乎找到了解决办法 。The U.K. based company has come up with a brilliant idea that enables easy disposal of chewed gum using specialized recycling bins. Passersby can simply dump any unwanted chewing gum into the bright pink gumdrop-like receptacles that have been installed across the city of London.
Once full, they are mailed to Gumdrop headquarters where the gum is recycled to create - yup you guessed it - more receptacles! The company says that the gum waste can be transformed into other useful things like rubber boots and phone cases as well.
Though the pink bins clearly indicate that they are meant for gum recycling, there is always the risk that people will use them to get rid of all kinds of trash. To ensure that it is just gum that gets recycled, the company has devised a special system that extracts any foreign items that have been mixed in.
Anna Bullus, who founded the company in 2009, says she was inspired to create the clever receptacles after observing the sticky mess caused by gum waste on the streets of London. To test if people would be willing to dispose of gum responsibly, she set up two bins inside a men's restroom at Southampton Airport about 80 miles northeast of London. It was extremely successful! Bullus says they had to pick up the full receptacles just five times a year, an endeavor that cost the company $300 USD.
Anna Bullus在2009年创建了该公司
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