Navigating a foreign country can be difficult, and these hilarious, mixed up signs definitely don't make it any easier! Straightforward instructions take on ridiculous new meanings thanks to these muddled English translations, collected by the humorous blog ChairmanLOL.com. From misguided directions to bizarre safety notices, see what happens when everyday signage gets lost in translation ... At least there's no guess work involved when it comes to front row seating assignments at this airport in Asia. Healthy young people can go stand somewhere else.
在国外顺顺当当地游玩本身就难,这些滑稽的误译指示牌让国外朋友来游玩更难了! 在幽默博客ChairmanLOL.com搜集的图像中,那些混乱的翻译让这些简单易懂的标识牌含义很荒谬 。由于奇怪标示的误导,看看这些日常标示是怎样让人抓狂的…… 这一张还算正常,起码站在这个亚洲机场里的排椅前边,上标示的含义不需要乱猜 。健全的青年们知道要去坐其他座位 。
Check your temper at the door -- this Asian restaurant obviously will not stand for bad table manners.
在门口检查自己的脾气适不适合:这个亚洲的餐馆明显对向桌子发脾气的行为很不耐 。
While some of the weird translations are funny, others are just completely over the top. No matter what language you're speaking, nothing about the sign on this bench makes sense. We suggest finding some other place to sit.
相对于那些奇怪但很好玩的误译,其他的一些误译就真的越了线 。无论你用哪种语言,都理解不了这个凳子上的标示什么意思 。我们建议大家找其他的地方去坐 。
Political correctness is clearly not a priority at this public restroom, meant to be used by people with disabilities. Meanwhile, a woman takes message tees to a whole new level as she finds a way to subtly let everyone know she is single and on the prowl.
这个公厕显然没考虑政治正确性,用侮辱性语言表示这是残疾人专用的厕所 。同时,左边图中那位女性穿着一件印有暗示自己单身并在寻摸满意男性文字的T恤 。
That's one way of saying "don't feed the animals." This bizarre sign, complete with a cautionary exclamation point, will definitely have English-speaking tourists doing a double take.
这标示其实是“不要喂鸟”的意思 。这个附带着一个大叹号的奇怪标示会让说英语的游客有恍然大悟的感觉 。
Don't say you haven't been warned! If you MUST fling yourself into a strange body of water, at least have the common sense to do so with caution.
不要说你没被警告!如果你一定要让自己跳进这个奇怪的河塘,你起码要按照警示上说的做 。
For anyone in need of an extra burst of energy, this sign directs you to a place where you can easily find a friendly jolt.
对哪位想来点刺激的人来说,这个标示可以带你来到这个地方,让你很容易被爽爽得电一下 。
Is this a roundabout way of telling us to stay well-hydrated? Wash our hands? Clean up after ourselves? English or not, the meaning behind this cryptic sign is ambiguous.
这是一个很隐晦得告诉我们要保持身体水分吗?还是洗手的意思? 或者是让我们呕吐后打扫干净?不管是上面的英语还是本地文字,这个隐晦的标示背后的意义都很模糊不清 。
A simple "Wet Floor" sign would have maybe sufficed in this situation, but this wordy alternative is good for at least a couple of giggles.
虽然在这种情境下,一个简简单单的“此地路滑”的标记就足够了,但是这个啰嗦的升级版标示至少可以引起声声欢笑 。