The bond between twins is truly one of a kind, and there's a lot of pressure for new moms to capture that special interaction between their babies for posterity. Whether you've scheduled a photo shoot with a professional, or are just hoping to maximize your iPhone's camera settings, we've rounded up some of the sweetest twin photo ideas out there, along with some expert advice from the pros. Now smile for the camera . . . both of you!
双胞胎之间的关系的确是独一无二的,新妈妈们在为后代捕捉宝贝们的特殊互动方面有很大压力 。你是否已经安排了一个专业摄影师,或只是希望最大化你的iPhone相机的设置,我们搜集了一些甜蜜的双胞胎照片的点子,以及一些来自这些好照片的专家的建议 。现在对着相机微笑吧 。 。 。你们俩个!
A Day in the Life
Your daily routine may seem ordinary now, but in a year or two, you'll look back in amazement at every moment of your little people's early days.
你的日常生活可能现在看上去很普通,但在一两年后,你会惊讶地回顾你的小孩们婴儿时的每一刻 。
Face First
Zoom in and be sure to capture those precious early expressions side by side.
放大,一定要捕捉到那些并排着的珍贵的早期表情 。
We love the side-by-side juxtaposition of these fast-asleep — and wide-awake snaps!
All About the Angle
Shooting your babies from above results in a straightforward, clear view of their little faces.
从上面拍摄你的婴儿会出现他们小脸蛋直观、清晰的样子 。
All Folded Up
If you're working with a professional, make sure that they're skilled in posing newborns — first and foremost, you want to make sure that your babies are comfortable.
如果你正与一个专业摄影师一起,确保他们熟练摆弄新生儿的姿势,首先最重要的是,你要确保你的宝宝是舒服的 。
Create a Concept
Etsy is chock-full of great prop shops. If you're looking to do something a little different, scour them until you find a theme that resonates.
Etsy商店全都是很棒的道具 。如果你想做点不一样的东西,在里面淘一下直到你找到一个产生共鸣的主题 。
The Name Game
While you know the quirks that set your infants apart, friends' and family's first question is likely to be, "Who's who?!" Make it clear with a set of adorable personalized outfits.
尽管你知道分辨你婴儿的小技巧,但朋友和家人的第一个问题可能是:“谁是谁? !”用一组可爱的个性化服装来使人明白吧 。